Original title:
Bertolt Brecht Život Galileiho (možnosti interpretace B. Brechta v současném divadle)
Translated title:
Bertolt Brecht Galileo's life (possibilities of B. Breht in contemporary theatre)
Ďurik, Andrej ; Dušek, Jan (advisor) ; Glogr, Karel (referee) Document type: Master’s theses
slo Publisher:
Akademie múzických umění v Praze. Divadelní fakulta AMU. Knihovna Abstract:
[cze][eng] V mojej diplomovej práci som sa snažil zachytiť vývoj pohľadu na Brechtovu tvorbu v našich krajinách. To znamená zmapovať interpretačné snahy v Čechách, vyrovnanie sa Brechtovskou teoretickou prácou a v neposlednom rade Brechtom ako človekom politickým, sociálne cítiacim, vďaka čomu bol mnohokrát nepochopený. Isté je, že dejiny hovoria o osobnosti rozhľadenej, talentovanej, vzdelanej, silne ba až sebazničujúco pracovitej. Na jednej strane je ale umelecky citlivý, jemný, kdežto na strane druhej rozpoltený a veľmi komlikovaný. Časom som dospel k názoru, že sa pravdepodobne nedá úplne spojit Brecht teoretik a Brecht dramatik, zatiaľ čo teória epického divadla, výrazne priahne po formovej stránke, naproti tomu akoby nekonvenovala s ľahkosťou, poéziou jeho divadelných hier. Je dôležité povedať, že Bertolt Brecht, bol prakticky celý život komunistom v komplikovanej dobe. Jeho vzťah ku komunizmu sa samozrejme vyvýjal a dá sa odpozorovať, že tento vzťah prešiel dlhú cestu nadšenia až po úplnú dezilúziu. V mojej práci sa preto tento fakt objavuje, je konštatovaním, pravdou o veľkom umelcovy a pravdou o pohľade, dobových interpretácii u nás, kde bol mnoho krát citovaný vyzdvyhovaný ako bolo potrebné.
Pri inscenovaní, nie je možné zohľadniť všetky aspekty Brechtovej osoby. Je to dobre, lebo človeku to necháva priestor, je možné byť trošku Brechtom a aj sebou samým. Dáva ?priestor? pričom ukazuje človeka, v jeho kompikovanosti, je to akoby sonda do ľudskej duše a mysle. Nepsychologizuje, iba konštatuje, ukazuje človeka v jednotlivých situáciách, jeho chovanie a na konci všetky tieto situácie dávajú celkový obraz, obraz o nás a našej dobe. Preto sa dá povedať, že Bertolt Brecht je veľkým autorom veľkých hier s nadčasovou tématikou. V jeho postavách je vidieť dnešného človeka. Akoby sa nič nezmenilo, iba čas sa vníma trochu inak, rozvybrováva a zamlžuje naše vnímanie, ťažšie sa nám dekódujú veci, ale podstata ostáva rovnaká tak ako kedysi. Jeho divadelné hry sú zaujimavé i po formovej stránke, sú to hry ?moderné ?, davajúce priestor aj pre experiment. Môžu byť formálnym obrazom, krásou reči samej pre seba.In my thesis I endeavoured to document the development of the view of Brecht?s works in our countries. It means mapping the interpretation attempts in the Czech Republic, coping with Brecht?s theoretical work, and last but not least with Brecht as a political man with social feeling due to what he remained many times miscomprehended. It is certain that the history mentions a large-minded, talented, educated personality, a strongly up to self-destructively hard-working one. On the one hand, he is artistically sensitive and fine, however, on the other hand he is a disintegrated and a very complicated person. In the course of time, I came to the conclusion that it is likely impossible to fully join a Brecht theoretician and a Brecht dramatist, while the theory of epic theatre significantly hungers for a formal aspect though on the other hand, it seems to fail to conform to ease and poetry of his dramas. It is important to say that Bertolt Brecht was practically a communist during all his life in a complicated period. His relationship to communism was developing and it can be learned that this relationship had undergone a long way from enthusiasm up to full disillusion. That is why this fact appears in my thesis; it is a statement, a truth about a great artist and a truth about the view and contemporary interpretations in our countries where he was quoted and belauded, as necessary.
At staging, it is impossible to consider all aspects of Brecht personality. It is good since it leaves space for a man, one can be both Brecht a bit and also himself. It provides ?space? while showing a human being in his complicacy, it is as a search in the human soul and mind. He does not psychologize, he just states, shows a human being in particular situations including his behaviour, and at the end all these situations make a whole picture about us and about our period. Therefore, we can say that Bertolt Brecht is a great author of great dramas with timeless themes. His characters reflect contemporary people. As if nothing has changed, just the time is perceived in a bit different way, it oscillates and befogs our perception, with decoding matters becoming more difficult for us but with the essence remaining the same as before. His dramas are interesting as for formal aspect, they are ?up-to-date? providing space also for an experiment. They may serve as a formal reflection, the beauty of speech for itself.
Institution: Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
Document availability information: Available to registered users in the Digital Repository of Academy of Performing Arts. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/10318/3953