Original title:
Husle v diele W. A. Mozarta
Translated title:
Violin in Piece of Work of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Slimáková, Zuzana ; Pazdera, Jindřich (advisor) ; Pazdera, Jindřich (advisor) ; Tomášek, Jiří (referee) ; Štraus, Ivan (referee) Document type: Bachelor's theses
slo Publisher:
Akademie múzických umění v Praze. Hudební fakulta AMU. Knihovna Abstract:
[cze][eng] V mojej práci se zaoberám skladbami, ktoré napísal W.A.Mozart pre husle. V prvej kapitole uvádzám vzťah Mozarta k husliam, Jeho začiatky pri poznávaní tohoto strunového nástroja, stručný priezez Mozartovým životom a prešla som stručne chronologickým sledom niektorých jeho kompozícií. Jeho dielo s využitím huslí je obrovské, ja som sa obmezila v ďalších dvoch kapitolách iba na niektoré skladby, a sice, husľové koncerty a niektoré huslové sonáty s doprovodom klavíra.in my bachelor´s diploma thesis I write about pieces, which W.A.Mozart wrote for violin. In first chapter I mention relationship between Mozart and violin, his start in understanding this string instrument, then we go to a brief opening about Mozartś life and afterwards we shortly go over the chronologic succession of some of his pieces of music. His work with the use of violin is immense, so in the two following chapters I restricted this range only to several pieces, namely, violin concerts and several violin sonatas with piano.
Institution: Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
Document availability information: Available to registered users in the Digital Repository of Academy of Performing Arts. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/10318/3468