Original title: Conducting Polymers. Formation, Structure, Properties, and Applications
Authors: Stejskal, Jaroslav ; Trchová, Miroslava
Document type: Proceedings
Conference/Event: Prague Meeting on Macromolecules /75./ - Conducting Polymers - Formation, Structure, Properties, and Applications, Prague (CZ), 2011-07-10 / 2011-07-14
Year: 2011
Language: eng
Abstract: Conducting polymers are studied because of their conductivity, as functional materials, and for their ability to respond to external stimuli. Polyaniline and polypyrrole are typical but by no means the only conducting polymers. They are investigated alone, or as components of compound materials. The synthesis of conducting polymers and the preparation of their composites, their structural characterization, their physical and chemical properties, and their applications both in well-established and new surprising directions are of interest. The conference booklet includes the abstracts of 7 invited plenary lectures, 45 contributed short lectures and 79 posters devoted to the chemistry, physics, and applied science of conducting polymers.
Keywords: conducting polymers; macromolecular chemistry; polymer physics
Project no.: CEZ:AV0Z40500505 (CEP), IAA400500905 (CEP), IAA100500902 (CEP)
Funding provider: GA AV ČR, GA AV ČR
Note: Související webová stránka: http://www.imc.cas.cz/sympo/75pmm/

Institution: Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS ČR (web)
Document availability information: Fulltext is available at the institute of the Academy of Sciences.
Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0200397

Permalink: http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-71484

The record appears in these collections:
Research > Institutes ASCR > Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry
Conference materials > Proceedings
 Record created 2011-11-09, last modified 2024-01-26

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