Home > Academic theses (ETDs) > Bachelor's theses > \kur{<sklopený text>}In silico modelling of the effect of bacterial DNA fragmentation on gene counts using digital droplet PCR
Original title:
\kur{}In silico modelling of the effect of bacterial DNA fragmentation on gene counts using digital droplet PCR
VRANJES, Sebastian Document type: Bachelor's theses
eng Abstract:
The aim of this study is to establish a correction factor for ddPCR, accounting for instances of the target sequence's occurrences being miscounted due to endpoint detection limitations.
16S rRNA; correction factor; ddPCR; DNA Fragmentation; end-point detection; Python Citation: VRANJES, Sebastian. \kur{<sklopený text>}In silico modelling of the effect of bacterial DNA fragmentation on gene counts using digital droplet PCR. České Budějovice, 2022. bakalářská práce (Bc.). JIHOČESKÁ UNIVERZITA V ČESKÝCH BUDĚJOVICÍCH. Přírodovědecká fakulta
Institution: University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Document availability information: Fulltext is available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia. Original record: http://www.jcu.cz/vskp/69857