Original title:
ESO ALMA Development Study: High-resolution solar observations with ALMA. Mid-term report
Bárta, Miroslav ; Chai, Yi Document type: Research reports
eng Abstract:
The mid-term report of the development project “High-resolution solar observations with ALMA”. The research is pursued under contract with ESO in frame of the programme ALMA Development Studies. Main goal of the project is to investigate possibilities for increasing the spatial resolution in solar ALMA observations, what is a demand driven by the international research community. To that end, we have suggested several substantial changes to both solar ALMA observing setup (high-cadence timing connected with separation between time-scales of terrestrial atmospheric turbulence and the real motion in the observed solar structures) and post-processing (self-calibration of high-cadence time series, alternative proxy-measure for corrections of atmosphere-generated phase delays). The proposed approaches are investigated by means of simulations in SW package CASA and verified by two sets of the test high-resolution solar ALMA Data observed in December 2023 in ALMA Bands 3 and 5. We have found that the insofar allowed ALMA resolution for solar observations may be safely increased five times. The report has been reviewed by international expert panel nominated by ESO and revised in line with the panel recommendations.
high-resolution; observing modes; solar research Project no.: LM2023059 (CEP), 102502/19/114084/HNE Funding provider: GA MŠk, ESO