Original title:
Experimental validation of the DPU computational model for the Vigil mission using modal analysis
Masák, Jan ; Pešek, Luděk ; Bula, Vítězslav ; Šnábl, Pavel ; Gabriel, Dušan ; Zolotarev, Igor ; Snížek, Jan ; Souček, Jan Document type: Papers Conference/Event: Computational mechanics 2024 /39./, Srní (CZ), 20241104
eng Abstract:
This paper presents the latest results of the experimental validation of the computational model of the proposed Data Processing Unit (DPU) unit for the Vigil mission using modal analysis and forced vibration. Several geometric modifications were performed, including changes to both the frame and the shielding baffles, in order to find the optimum design that would result in the desired reduction in deflections during booster launch.
booster launch; modal analysis; Vigil mission Project no.: StrategieAV21/16 Funding provider: AV ČR Host item entry: Computational mechanics 2024. Proceedings of computational mechanics 2024, ISBN 978-80-261-1249-5