Experimental measuring of homogeneous nucleation rate of water in the presence of various gases in pulse expansion chamber
Lukianova, Tetiana ; Lukianov, Mykola ; Hrubý, Jan Typ dokumentu: Příspěvky z konference Konference/Akce: výroční konference České aerosolové společnosti /21./, Kutná hora (CZ), 20221003
Abstrakt: To understand the condensation process, we need to know the thermodynamic parameters of nucleation and growth of water droplets. This process can be studied by adiabatic expansion of gas mixtures with water. In this case, the temperature of the mixture decreases and the supersaturation increases. This creates the conditions under which homogeneous nucleation is possible. The influence of carrier gases on homogeneous nucleation has been studied several times. The first publication was by Viisanen et al. (1993) and the last publication was by Campagna et al. (2021).\nWe performed experiments using the expansion pulse chamber developed by Wagner and Strey in 1984. The study was conducted in the presence of various in a range of nucleation temperatures of 220-260 K and nucleation pressures of 35-75 kPa at various concentrations of water vapor. experimental results shows nucleation rate J (number of droplets formed per unit of time and unit of volume) as function of supersaturation S (ratio of vapor pressure to the saturation pressure of water at given temperature) and temperature for the carrier gases.
Klíčová slova:
formation of new particles; homogeneous nucleation; nucleation rate Číslo projektu: EF16_019/0000753 Poskytovatel projektu: GA MŠk Zdrojový dokument: SBORNÍK XXI. VÝROČNÍ KONFERENCE ČESKÉ AEROSOLOVÉ SPOLEČNOSTI, ISBN 978-80-908653-0-3