Home > Conference materials > Proceedings > XXVIII Annual Colloquium of the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale. Communities of Debate. Collective Intellectual Practice in Medieval Philosophical Thought
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XXVIII Annual Colloquium of the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale. Communities of Debate. Collective Intellectual Practice in Medieval Philosophical Thought
Pavlíček, Ota Document type: Proceedings Conference/Event: Communities of Debate. Collective Intellectual Practice in Medieval Philosophical Thought. SIEPM Annual Colloquium /28./, Prague (CZ), 20240904
eng Abstract:
The publication is a book of abstracts and additional pieces of information linked to the conference which delved into the collaborative nature of intellectual endeavors during the Middle Ages, challenging the common portrayal of scholars as solitary figures. Instead, it seeked to uncover the intricate layers of collective work that underpinned their individual contributions, particularly within university settings across Latin Europe. Topics of discussion spanned various aspects, including the dynamics of debating communities, historical analyses of collective practices, and the sharing of texts and knowledge among scholars. Papers explored the diverse forms of collective engagement, from disputations and doctrinal analyses to the collaborative construction of arguments and theory-building. Additionally, the colloquium welcomed contributions examining the collective utilization of texts, translations, and commentaries within scholarly communities, shedding light on their roles in shaping medieval intellectual discourse.
medieval academia; medieval philosophy; medieval science Project no.: 949710