Home > Conference materials > Papers > Folk Architecture as a Source of Inspiration: (Re)Interpretation of Folk Architecture Characteristics in Slovak Family House Concepts from 2009–2019
Original title:
Folk Architecture as a Source of Inspiration: (Re)Interpretation of Folk Architecture Characteristics in Slovak Family House Concepts from 2009–2019
Translated title:
Ľudová architektúra ano inšpiračný zdroj: (Re)interpretácie znakov ľudovej architektúry v konceptoch rodinných domov (na Slovensku) v rokoch 2009–2019
Kasman, Peter ; Pohaničová, Jana Document type: Papers
slo Publisher:
Vysoké učení technické v Brně,Fakulta architektury Abstract:
Kontext tradície a väzby na lokalitu môže byť pre slovenskú architektúru najlepšia cesta, ako sa odtrhnúť z globalizovaného prúdu Európy. V súčasnosti často skloňované pojmy ako udržateľnosť, ekológia či racionalita identifikujeme aj v dielach ľudovej architektúry. Tradičné princípy, lokálnosť a kultúrnu identitu si začínajú osvojovať súčasné špičky slovenskej architektúry. Vieme určiť mieru využiteľnosti tohto fenoménu v modernej architektúre na Slovensku a nadviazať tak na historickú hodnotu a odkaz pre budúce generácie?
Employing the context of tradition and links to locality may be the best way for Slovak architecture to move away from the globalized trend of European architecture. Present notions such as sustainability, ecology and rationality can be identified in folk architecture works. Traditional principles, as well as local and cultural identity are being vindicated by leading authorities of Slovak architecture. Are we able to determine the rate of efficiency of this phenomenon in modern Slovak architecture and take up the historical value and legacy for future generations?
folk architecture; inspiration; national identity; principles of folk civil engineering; transformation Host item entry: 8th Annual Conference on Architecture and Urbanism 2019, ISBN 978-80-214-5802-4
Institution: Brno University of Technology
Document availability information: Fulltext is available in the Brno University of Technology Digital Library. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/11012/184077