Original title:
The Work of Architects Alois Balán and Jiří Grossmann
Translated title:
Dielo architektov Aloisa Balána a Jiřího Grossmanna
Ščepánová, Soňa Document type: Papers
slo Publisher:
Vysoké učení technické v Brně,Fakulta architektury Abstract:
Po vzniku prvej Československej republiky sa na Slovensko prisťahovalo množstvo odborníkov z Čiech, medzi nimi aj mladí architekti Alois Balán a Jiří Grossmann. V Bratislave výrazne prispeli k etablovaniu moderných princípov svojimi dielami, riešili reguláciu mesta, vyvíjali intenzívnu publikačnú aktivitu. Po roku 1939 boli prinútení odísť naspäť do Čiech, kde ďalej pokračovali vo svojej činnosti. Architekti sú na Slovensku považovaní za významných aktérov medzivojnovej architektúry, v rámci českej historiografie sú však doposiaľ málo rozpoznávaní, hoci Alois Balán pôsobil aj na domácej architektonickej scéne na Morave. Zámerom príspevku je doplnenie celkového obrazu fenoménu českých architektov na Slovensku a pripomenúť ich význam z pohľadu slovenských ako aj českých dejín architektúry.
After the establishment of the First Czechoslovak republic, many Czech experts settled in Slovakia, including young architects Alois Balán and Jiří Grossmann. In Bratislava, they significantly contributed to the establishment of modern principles with their architectural works, dealt with the regulation of the city and also produced intensive publishing activity. After 1939 they were forced to return to Bohemia, where they continued with their activities. Architects are considered to be important actors of interwar architecture in Slovakia, however they are still not well known in Czech historiography, even though Alois Balán was active on the architectural scene in Moravia. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the complete picture of the phenomenon of Czech architects in Slovakia and to recall the importance of their work for both Slovak and Czech history of architecture.
Alois Balán, Jiří Grossmann; Bohemia; history of architecture; modern architecture; Slovakia Host item entry: 8th Annual Conference on Architecture and Urbanism 2019, ISBN 978-80-214-5802-4
Institution: Brno University of Technology
Document availability information: Fulltext is available in the Brno University of Technology Digital Library. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/11012/184075