Economic sustainability of agricultural farm
Hrubá, Eliška Typ dokumentu: Bakalářské práce
Abstrakt: This bachelor thesis is focused on analyzing operations of a small-scale organic farm and is discovering options for development to improve the firm’s financial situation. The thesis consists of section literature research covering basic financial background as well as details on subsidies and farming in the Czech Republic. Section objectives and methodology includes details about used calculation for financial analysis of the firm. The practical part then analyses the current situation of the farm based on financial statements and develops scenarios applicable for the farm based on its current financial and labour potential. According to the findings, recommendations are concluded in the final section of the thesis.
Klíčová slova:
agribusiness; agricultural farm; agricultural policy; agriculture; agrobyznys; dotace; economic sustainability; ekologické zemědělství; ekonomická udržitelnost; financial analysis; finanční analýza; organic agriculture; subsidies; zemědělská farma; zemědělská politika; zemědělství