Original title:
Řešení nosné železobetonové konstrukce stávajícího objektu
Translated title:
Design of the load-bearing RC structure of the existing building
Hošková, Aneta ; Lyčka, Lukáš (referee) ; Girgle, František (advisor) Document type: Bachelor's theses
cze Publisher:
Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební Abstract:
Bakalarska prace se zabyva posouzenm a naslednym zeslenm stavajc stropn konstrukce v obcanske budove, u ktere byly zjisteny cetne poruchy stavebne- technickym pruzkumem. Stropn konstrukce je tvorena jak tramovymi stropy, tak proste ulozenymi deskami. Tramove stropy byly zesleny nadbetonovanou deskou a strkanym betonem s pridanou vyztuz. Proste ulozene desky byly sprazene s nadbetonovanou deskou. Prace obsahuje take navrh noveho zelezobetonoveho monolitickeho schodiste.
The bachelor thesis deals with the assessment and subsequent strengthening of the existing ceiling structure in a civil building, where numerous failures were detected by a structural-technical survey. The ceiling structure consists of both beamed ceilings and simply laid slabs. The beamed ceilings were reinforced with an overconcrete slab and shotcrete with additional reinforcement. The simply laid slabs were bonded together with the overaly slab. The work also includes the design of a new reinforced concrete monolithic staircase.
beam; beam ceiling structure; ceiling slab; reconstruction; reinforced concrete; shotcrete; staircase; strengthening; deskove schodiste; rekonstrukce; sprazena deska; stropn deska; torkretovan; tram; tramovy strop; zelezobeton; zeslen
Institution: Brno University of Technology
Document availability information: Fulltext is available in the Brno University of Technology Digital Library. Original record: https://hdl.handle.net/11012/247916