Original title:
Aplikace pro reportování dopravních přestupků na iOS
Translated title:
iOS Application for Traffic Violation Reporting
Budáč, Tomáš ; Polášek, Tomáš (referee) ; Bobák, Petr (advisor) Document type: Bachelor's theses
slo Publisher:
Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta informačních technologií Abstract:
Tato praca sa zaobera navrhom a implementaciou aplikacie pre operacny system iOS a serveru REST API. Aplikacia je implementovana v programovacom jazyku Swift a jeho rozhrani SwiftUI. Sklada sa z teoretickej a praktickej casti. V teoretickej casti sa zameriava na popis pouzitych technologii a aktualny stav uz existujucich rieseni. Prakticka cast obsahuje navrh, implementaciu a testovanie aplikacie vytvorene na zaklade poznatkov ziskanych z teoretickej casti. Vysledkom je uzivatelsky privetiva mobilna aplikacia pre nahlasovanie dopravnych priestupkov spojenych s nespravnym parkovanim v mestach s webovym rozhranim pre spravu priestupkov.
This bachelor thesis is dedicated to the proposal and implementation of the application for both the iOS operating system and the server REST API. The application was implemented in the programming language Swift and its interface SwiftUI. This thesis is structured into a theoretical section, which focuses on the description of current technologies and the current state of already existing solutions. The practical section incorporates the proposal, implementation and app trial. All of that was created based on theoretical knowledge. The result is a user-friendly mobile application for reporting traffic offenses associated with inappropriate parking in the cities with a web-based traffic management interface.
Apple; ARKit; iOS; MapKit; mobile application; MVVM; REST API; Swift; SwiftUI; traffic offense; Vapor
Institution: Brno University of Technology
Document availability information: Fulltext is available in the Brno University of Technology Digital Library. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/11012/199359