Home > Conference materials > Papers > Identification of horizontal genes transfer elements across strains inhabiting the same niche using pan-genome analysis
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Identification of horizontal genes transfer elements across strains inhabiting the same niche using pan-genome analysis
Schwarzerová, J. ; Čejková, D. Document type: Papers
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií Abstract:
Tracing horizontal gene flux across strains in farm animals is one of the important steps for research focused on detection and genomic enzymology of genes conferring antibiotic resistance. In this study, we have built the comprehensive computational methodology for the detection of horizontal genes transfer elements via pan-genome analysis. In total, 133 anaerobes isolated from chicken gastrointestinal tract were examined for the presence of traits of horizontal transfer. The shared genes from all isolates, so called core genome genes were identified and characterised in order to assign the function to the gene within individual bacterial cell and within community of cells. This study provides an evidence that horizontal transmission frequently occurs not only between closely related bacteria, but also between distant taxonomical groups. Hence chickens are known primary reservoirs of antibiotic resistance genes, and the dissemination of these genes to other bacterial pathogens often leads to life-threatening infections, even within human population. Thus, the research on this subject, and the associated results are of a great importance for public health.
Antibiotics Resistance; Chicken Microbiome; Comparative Genomics; Core Genome Host item entry: Proceedings I of the 28st Conference STUDENT EEICT 2022: General papers, ISBN 978-80-214-6029-4
Institution: Brno University of Technology
Document availability information: Fulltext is available in the Brno University of Technology Digital Library. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/11012/209377