Original title: Complex systems resilience qualification
Authors: Dvorský, P. ; Baštán, O. ; Fiedler, P.
Document type: Papers
Language: eng
Publisher: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií
Abstract: This paper focuses on resilience qualification and propose a new method of measuring resilience within the systems. Within the paper is discussed the concept of resilience. Further, there is a defined general complex system with its main system functions. Based on that, the paper proposes a methodology and a model by which could be resilience of systems evaluated. An example of an application of a proposed resilient metric to a specific system is also discussed here.
Keywords: Criterion oninon model; Criterion space; Main system functions; Resilience metrics
Host item entry: Proceedings I of the 28st Conference STUDENT EEICT 2022: General papers, ISBN 978-80-214-6029-4

Institution: Brno University of Technology (web)
Document availability information: Fulltext is available in the Brno University of Technology Digital Library.
Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/11012/209370

Permalink: http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-524797

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Universities and colleges > Public universities > Brno University of Technology
Conference materials > Papers
 Record created 2023-05-07, last modified 2023-05-07

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