Original title:
Habitat use of breeding birds in Central European reed beds
ŠŤASTNÝ, Vojtěch Document type: Rigorous theses
eng Abstract:
The research dealing with habitat preferences of breeding birds in the northeast of Bohemia in the Czech Republic is based on the data on bird communities from 34 wetlands ranging in size from 0.76 to 70.42 ha, and relevant environmental factors, collected within the years 2016-2017. Habitat use among wetland bird species in relation to these factors has been compared and their effect on species diversity and the proportion of specially protected species according to the Act No. 114/1992 Coll. has been tested. Finally, management that may increase attractiveness of wetlands for birds was suggested.
bird community; diversity; habitat use; management; protected species; wetland Citation: ŠŤASTNÝ, Vojtěch. Habitat use of breeding birds in Central European reed beds. České Budějovice, 2021. rigorózní práce (RNDr.). JIHOČESKÁ UNIVERZITA V ČESKÝCH BUDĚJOVICÍCH. Přírodovědecká fakulta
Institution: University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Document availability information: Fulltext is available in the Digital Repository of University of South Bohemia. Original record: http://www.jcu.cz/vskp/63554