Sociální dopad mentální anorexie u dětských pacientů na rodinu
Překlad názvu:
Social impact of mental anorexy of child patient´s to a family.
ŠOUNOVÁ, Jitka Typ dokumentu: Diplomové práce
Abstrakt: [cze][eng] Diplomová práce {\clqq}Sociální dopad mentální anorexie u dítěte na rodinu`` se zabývá rodinou dítěte s mentální anorexií ve vztahu k tomuto závažnému a dlouhodobému onemocnění. Případové studie, které jsou spolu s rozhovory s rodiči hlavním předmětem praktické části práce, zachycují vývoj vztahů a dalších podstatných souvislostí, které jsou nemocí ovlivněny. SOCIAL INPACT OF THE MENTAL ANOREXIA AFFECTING CHILDREN´S PATIENTS ON HE FAMILY In choosing the subject of my degree work I was influenced fundamentally by my experience gained during the department of children´s psychiatry. At thes very interesting work I had opportunity to become acquainted not only with various psychiatric diagnoses but with plenty of human fates in particular. The girls with plenty of human fates in particular. The girls wth mental anorexia were frequent patients of this department. During their long-term and often repeated hospitalization I met both the patients and the whole families. That´s why I could follow the development of the children affected like this and the impact of this illness on the family as well. The mental anorexia is a very grave and lingering illness belonging to the group of disorders in food ingestion. The consequences of this illness for he health can be of an persistent character and it is not exceptional that this illness is even fatal. The therapy is spite of all therapeutical possibilities, the modern psychiatry has at disposal. Therefore, the families of the patients have not only to get over the fear for the life and health of their members, but they have also to overcome longlasting psychological stress connected with the care of the person affected like this. This care can influence the running of the family fundamentally. It often happens that the family has to reduce the professional activities with respect to the exacting care. This can result in aggravation of the economic situation of the family. A considerable lowering of the living standard and the following crisis can take place in families with low incomes. Permanent psychological stress, deterioration of the economic situation and fair for the child can influence also the relations between individual members of the family. It is no exception that this stress has an adverse effect on the marriage of the parents, and that expecially in the case that the marriage was a problematic one as early as before the child fell ill.
Klíčová slova:
Manželství; Mentální anorexie; Porucha příjmu potravy; Rodina; Rozvod; disorder in food ingestion; divorce; family; marriage; mental anorexia Citace: ŠOUNOVÁ, Jitka. Sociální dopad mentální anorexie u dětských pacientů na rodinu. České Budějovice, 2008. diplomová práce (Mgr.). JIHOČESKÁ UNIVERZITA V ČESKÝCH BUDĚJOVICÍCH. Zdravotně sociální fakulta
Instituce: Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích
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Plný text není k dispozici. Původní záznam: http://www.jcu.cz/vskp/11213