Original title:
Subštátny nacionalizmus v EU. Baskicko a Škótsko.
Translated title:
Substate nationalism in the EU. Scotland and the Basque Country.
Horanská, Katarína ; Kasáková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Urban, Traian (referee) Document type: Master’s theses
cze Abstract:
[cze][eng] V diplomovej prci sa autorka zaober baskickm a šktskym subšttnym nacionalizmom a ich secesionistickmi tendenciami. Pre oba prpady analyzuje a porovnva pť vybranch faktorov, ktor s kľčov pre charakter subšttneho nacionalizmu: historick predpoklady, jazyk, vľa byť nrodom, ekonomick hľadisko a nositelia nacionalizmu v spoločnosti. Baskick a šktsky nacionalizmus v porovnan s obdobnmi subšttnymi nacionalizmami v Eurpe maj vrazn secesionistick tendencie. Vo svojom charaktere s však diametrlne odlišn, baskick je prevažne etnick, založen na jazyku, baskick spoločnosť je silne polarizovan. Šktsky nacionalizmus je občiansky, pacifistick a inkluzvny. Napriek tomu je možn pozorovať v niektorch faktoroch prekvapiv podobnosti. Druh časť prce sa venuje vplyvu globalizcie na skman subšttne nacionalizmy, rozober konkrtne fenomn decentralizcie a europeizcie Spojenho Krľovstva a Španielska vo vzťahu k subšttnemu nacionalismu. Oba nrodn štty sa vzdvaj časti svojej suverenity v prospech vyššej i nižšej rovne vldnutia, čo otvra nacionalistom nov pole psobnosti doma i v Eurpe. Uspokoja tieto možnosti šktskych a baskickch nacionalistov, alebo naopak intenzifikuj ich secesionististick snahy?Diploma thesis "Substate nationalism in the EU. Scotland and the Basque Country" deals with Scottish and Basque substate nationalism and their secessionist objectives. Five for nationalism crucial areas have been chosen, analysed for each of the two nationalisms, and compared. These areas are historical background, language, will to form a nation, economy and political base of nationalism. Scottish and Basque nationalisms are very different in their essence, the first being civic, pacifist and inclusive, while the second is based on ethnic premises in a polarized society strained by violence. However, both nationalisms have strong desire to gain independence and also various similarities in some of the factors can be found. The second part of the thesis deals with decentralization and europeization of the two nation states of Spain and the UK in respect to their nationalists. Could the new European and domestic opportunity structures satisfy the Basque and the Scottish nationalists, or will these changes work as an additional incentive for their independence struggles?
Institution: Charles University Faculties (theses)
Document availability information: Available in the Charles University Digital Repository. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11956/31118