Original title:
Kultury léčivých rostlin in vitro - III
Translated title:
In vitro-cultures of medicinal plants-III.
Danielová, Barbora ; Tůmová, Lenka (advisor) ; Dušková, Jiřina (referee) Document type: Master’s theses
cze Abstract:
[cze][eng] Barbora Danielová Kultury léčivých rostlin in vitro-III. Elicitace je jednou z metod, kterou je možné dosáhnout zvýšení produkce sekundárních metabolitů v kulturách in vitro. Byl sledován vliv abiotického elicitoru methylviologenu na produkci flavonoidů v kalusové a suspenzmí kultuře Ononis arvensis L. po 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 a 168 hodinové aplikaci methylviologenu. Kultury byly kultivovány na médiu dle Murashigeho a Skooga s přídavkem 10 mg/l kyseliny α- naftyloctové (α-NAA). Obsah flavonoidů byl stanoven spektrofotometricky. Maximální obsah flavonoidů byl prokázán v kalusové kultuře po 168 hodinové elicitaci roztokem methylviologenu o koncentraci c1 (2,1929 . 10-3 mol/l), kdy se tvorba zvýšila o 444%. Maximální zvýšení produkce flavonoidů suspenzní kulturou nastalo po 12 hodinové elicitaci methylviologenem o koncentraci c3 (2,1929 . 10-5 mol/l), kdy tvorba byla zvýšena o 42%. Ke snížení tvorby flavonoidů naopak došlo v kalusové kultuře u c1 (2,1929 . 10-3 mol/l) po 6 a 12 hodinách o 100% a v suspenzní kultuře u c2 (2,1929 . 10-4 mol/l) po 12 hodinách o 88%.- 4 - ABSTRAKT Barbora Danielová In vitro-cultures of medicinal plants-III. Elicitation is one of the methods that can be used for increasing secondary metabolites production in in vitro cultures. The present study investigates the effect of methylviologen as the abiotic elicitor on the flavonoids production in the callus and suspension cultures of Ononis arvensis L. after 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 168-hours methylviologen administration. The cultures were cultivated on Murashige-Skoog medium with addition of 10 mg/l α-naphtylacetic acid (α-NAA). The flavonoids content was determined using spectrophotometry methods. The maximal content of flavonoids was detected in callus culture after 168-hours methylviologen elicitation in concentration c1 (2,1929 . 10-3 mol/l), the production was increased about 444%. The maximal increase of flavonoids production in suspension culture was after 12-hours methylviologen elicitation in concentration c3 (2,1929 . 10-5 mol/l), the production was increased about 42%. In the opposite, the decreased flavonoids production was detected in callus culture after methylviologem treatment in the concentration c1 (2,1929 . 10-3 mol/l) after 6 and 12 hours about 100% and in suspension culture in the concentration c2 (2,1929 . 10-4 mol/l) after 12 hours about 88%.
Institution: Charles University Faculties (theses)
Document availability information: Available in the Charles University Digital Repository. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11956/16285