Original title:
Problematika financování neziskových organizací v konkrétních podmínkách AC SPARTA Praha - stolní tenis
Translated title:
The problem of financing of non-profit organizations on a concrete example of AC SPARTA Praha - table tennis
Stibor, Michal ; Navrátilová, Miroslava (advisor) ; Šíma, Jan (referee) Document type: Master’s theses
cze Abstract:
[cze][eng] Nazev prace: Problematika financovani neziskovych sportovnich organizaci v konkretnich podminkach ACSparta Praha - stolni tenis Cil prace: Cilem diplomove prace bylo, na zaklade interview, SWOT analyzy a popisne analyzy, zmapovat financovani oddilu stolniho tenisu v ramci organizace obcanskeho sdruzeni AC Sparta Praha. Odhalit slaba mista a navrhnout jejich pfipadna zlepseni. Metody: Interview, SWOT analyza, popisna analyza Vysledky: Prace popisuje podminky pro cinnost nestatnich neziskovych organizaci v Ceske republice a mozne zpusoby jejich financovani. Dale analyzuje a navrhuje zlepseni fmancni situace AC Sparta Praha - oddil stolniho tenisu. Klicova slova: financovani, fmancni zdroje, stolni tenis, AC Sparta Praha, neziskove organizaceTitle of thesis The problem of financing of non-profit sport organization on a concrete example of ACSparta Praha - table tennis Aim of the work: Aim of this thesis was analyzing , on the basis of Interview, SWOT analysis and discribing analysis, the financing of club AC Sparta Praha, table tennis. Detect weak places and propose the motion to inovation. Methods: Interview, SWOT analysis, discribing analysis Results: The Work discribes conditions for the activity of non-profit organizations in Czech Republic and possible ways of their financing. Analising and propose of the financial situation ACSparta Praha - table tennis club. Key words: financing, financial resources, table tennis, AC Sparta Praha, non-profit organization
Institution: Charles University Faculties (theses)
Document availability information: Available in the Charles University Digital Repository. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11956/20277