Original title: Comparison of Nonlinear Observers for Underactuated Mechanical Systems
Authors: Anderle, Milan ; Čelikovský, Sergej
Document type: Papers
Conference/Event: Process Control 2010, Hotel Dlouhé Stráně, Kouty nad Desnou (CZ), 2010-06-07 / 2010-06-10
Year: 2010
Language: eng
Abstract: This paper provides the comparison of nonlinear observers for underactuated mechanical systems with aplication to Acrobot walking. Namely, it aims to compare a reduced observer for the Acrobot angular velocities based on the respective angles measurements with a observer for the Acrobot angular velocity and angle based on the other angular velocity and angle measurement and then to combine this observers with the earlier developed full state feedback controllers. For the Acrobot it is not possible to measure the angle between its stance leg and the surface directly because this angle is underactuated. One possibility of measuring this angle is using laser beam sensor and then computation the stance angle from that distance. Main disadvantage of this approach is the high price of the laser beam sensor. The other observer is based on angular velocity of stance leg measurement using the digital gyroscope.
Keywords: observer; Underactuated mechanical systems; Walking robots
Project no.: CEZ:AV0Z10750506 (CEP), GA102/08/0186 (CEP)
Funding provider: GA ČR
Host item entry: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference Process Control 2010, ISBN 978-80-7399-951-3

Institution: Institute of Information Theory and Automation AS ČR (web)
Document availability information: Fulltext is available at the institute of the Academy of Sciences.
Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0186689

Permalink: http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-41563

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Research > Institutes ASCR > Institute of Information Theory and Automation
Conference materials > Papers
 Record created 2011-07-01, last modified 2024-01-26

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