Original title:
Sort Program for Real Keys with Linear Time Complexity
Jiřina, Marcel Document type: Research reports
cze Series:
Technical Report, volume: V-1272 Abstract:
In this report we present a program for sorting data structures with sorting keys as real numbers, i.e. of type "real" or "float". The basis of the program is a modification of the countingsort algorithm for reals (instead of integers). It uses a comparision-type sorting for small part of data set given. The time complexity of this part of program can be bounded by linear function of n and thus, the total time complexity is also O(n) for n data items.
counting sort; real sorting keys; sorting Project no.: EF16_013/0001787 Funding provider: GA MŠk
Rights: This work is protected under the Copyright Act No. 121/2000 Coll.