Original title:
77K emission spectroscopy in phytoplankton ecophysiology
Translated title:
Nízkoteplotní emisní spektroskopie v ekofyziologii fytoplanktonu
Prášil, Ondřej Document type: Papers Conference/Event: Aquafluo - Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Nové Hrady (CZ), 2007-05-28 / 2007-06-01
eng Abstract:
[eng][cze] Low temperature (77K) emission spectroscopy is standard techniques of photosynthesis research. Emission spectroscopy provides wealth of information about both photosystems, their pigment composition, relative activity and stoichiometry and has been successfully applied in stress physiology. In this talk I will discuss examples of the use of portable versions of spectrofluorometer. Specifically, I will show that 77K emission spectra of phytoplankton from oligotrophic HNLC areas of subtropical gyres contain information that can be used as marker of iron limitation and provide clues about mechanisms of observed high intrinsic fluorescence yield in these areasCílem přednášky je seznámit posluchače s principy nízkoteplotní emisní spektroskopie a s jejími aplikacemi v ekofyziologii fytoplanktonu, zejména při studiu nutričních stresů
fytoplankton; nutriet stress; photosynthesis Project no.: CEZ:AV0Z50200510 (CEP), 1QS500200570 (CEP) Funding provider: GA AV ČR Host item entry: Aquafluo - Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Aquatic Sciences Meeting
Institution: Institute of Microbiology AS ČR
Document availability information: Fulltext is available at the institute of the Academy of Sciences. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0159791