Original title:
Hydrogen - the product of coal thermal conversion
Translated title:
Vodík - produkt tepelné konverze uhlí
Kříž, Vlastimil ; Brožová, Zuzana Document type: Papers Conference/Event: Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing /11./, Ostrava (CZ), 2007-05-31 / 2007-06-02
eng Abstract:
[eng][cze] Hydrogen fixed in the coal structure was converted to gaseous form using two-stage pyrolysis. The hydrogen volume in the pyrolytical gas strong increased along with the temperature in the cracking module. There was verified the possibility to obtain hydrogen by thermal decomposition of coal pyrolysis volatile products.Vodík vázaný ve struktuře uhlí byl získán v plynné formě pomocí dvoustupňové pyrolýzy. Objem vodíku v pyrolyzním plynu strmě rostl souběžně se zvyšující se teplotou ve štěpném modulu. Byla ověřena možnost získat vodík termickou degradací těkavých produktů z pyrolýzy uhlí.
coal; hydrogen; two-stage pyrolysis Project no.: CEZ:AV0Z30460519 (CEP), GA105/07/1407 (CEP) Funding provider: GA ČR Host item entry: 11th Conference on Environment and Mineral Processing, ISBN 978-80-248-1277-9
Institution: Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics AS ČR
Document availability information: Fulltext is available at the institute of the Academy of Sciences. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0146505