Original title:
Teologie a humor v eposu Pamětná tragoedia Augustina Doležala
Translated title:
Theology and humor in the epic poem "Memorial Tragedy" by Augustin Doležal
Sočuvka, Pavol ; Putna, Martin (advisor) ; Doležalová, Lucie (referee) Document type: Master’s theses
slo Abstract:
[eng][cze] This master thesis is concerned with biblical epic poem (or "epos") by Slovak author Augustin Dolezal, called Memorial Tragedy (1791, originally in Czech language). In this type of genre author takes well known biblical stories, such as fall of man or murder of Abel and adds his own fabricated circumstances. In this particular case author is trying to provide reader with catechesis and religious education on top the tale. Tragedy is mainly focused on the nature of sin and its connection to human condition, fall of man and possibility of evil in the world. Method of this paper is mainly theme analysis and comparison with Bible and its well known exegesis throughout the history. It is focused on comicality, which shall be defined in the theoretical part. Practical part attempts to come up with interpretation of the text in such a way, that certain themes, tropes or figures from the literary text are interconnected with certain features of comicality and shown as such. Keywords: Comicality, Biblical Epic Poem, Augustin Dolezal, Baroque, Classicism, CarnivalesqueTáto diplomová práca sa zaoberá biblickým eposom od slovenského autora Augustína Doležala s názvom Pamětná celému světu Tragoedia (1791). Ide o žáner, ktorý k už známym biblických udalostiam, v tomto prípade vyhnanie z raja a vražda Ábela, pridáva autorom dotvorené okolnosti. Na tomto príbehovom podklade sa autor snaží čitateľovi poskytnúť katechézu a náboženské vzdelávanie. Tragoedia sa zameriava na otázky ako hriech, jeho podstata a súvis s ľudskou prirodzenosťou, vyhnanie z raja a zlo vo svete. Práca pristupuje k textu metódou motivickej analýzy a porovnávania s biblickým zdrojom a tradíciou. Zameriava sa na komiku, ktorú sa v teoretickej časti snaží vymedziť. V praktickej časti prináša interpretáciu, ktorá zohľadňuje aspekt komiky, a to tak, že isté motívy, literárne obraty alebo prvky a objekty z textu, sú naviazané na niektoré charakteristiky komiky. Kľúčové slová: Komika, komickosť, biblický epos, Augustín Doležal, barok, klasicizmus, smiechová kultúra
Augustin Dolezal; Baroque; Biblical Epic Poem; Carnivalesque; Classicism; Comicality; Augustín Doležal; barok; biblický epos; klasicizmus; komickosť; Komika; smiechová kultúra
Institution: Charles University Faculties (theses)
Document availability information: Available in the Charles University Digital Repository. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11956/90877