Original title:
Efficient compensation of the light attenuation with depth in confocal microscopy
Translated title:
Účinná kompenzace útlumu jasu a kontrastu s hloubkou v konfokální mikroskopii
Čapek, Martin ; Kubínová, Lucie Document type: Papers Conference/Event: WORKSHOP 2005. Czech Technical University in Prague /14./, Praha (CZ), 2005-03-21 / 2005-03-25
eng Abstract:
[eng][cze] Images captured by a confocal laser scanning microscope from deep layers of the specimen are often darker than images from the top most layers due to absorption and scattering of both excitation and fluorescent light. These effects cause problems in subsequent analysis of biological objects. Therefore, methods for compensation of the light attenuation with depth must be usedPokles jasu a kontrastu s hloubkou zaostření v konfokální mikroskopii se dá kompenzovat jak optimalizací mikroskopu během snímání, tak pomocí vhodných algoritmů zpracování dat po nasnímání
confocal microscopy; light attenuation Project no.: CEZ:AV0Z5011922 (CEP), KJB6011309 (CEP), KONTAKT 139, KONTAKT RC_3_19, ME 688 Funding provider: GA AV ČR, CZ-SK, CZ-GR, GA MŠk Host item entry: Proceedings of WORKSHOP 2005, ISBN 80-01-03201-9
Institution: Institute of Physiology AS ČR
Document availability information: Fulltext is available at the institute of the Academy of Sciences. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0117403