Mexická kritická recepce esejů Octavia Paze
Překlad názvu:
Mexican critical reception of essays by Octavio Paz
De León Zamora, Lucía Amalia ; Housková, Anna (vedoucí práce) ; Forbelský, Josef (oponent) ; Vydrová, Hedvika (oponent) Typ dokumentu: Disertační práce
Abstrakt: [eng][cze] The following thesis looks at the Hispano-American essay through the lens of essays by 1990-Nobel-Iaureate Octavio Paz (Mexico City, 1914-1998). Until recently the essay was not considered a literary form, for the three classical genres of epic, lyric, and drama excluded the essay. By studying Paz's essays--primarily El laberinto de la soledad (The Labyrinth of Solitude, 1950) and Posdata (Postdata, 1970)--in the context of their reception in Mexico, as well as touching on the Hispano-American tradition of the essay, this thesis traces the evolution of the essay as a literary genre. The history of the modem essay begins with Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592). In his work, Essais (1580), Montaigne, immersed in the humanism of his era, discovers his own voice, that of an individual. Montaigne's voice became possible largely because the unity of the Medieval communitarian way of life, throughout Europe, had fragmented. However, in Hispano-America, the essay did not emerge as a literary form until the nineteenth century, as countries throughout the region fought for independence from the empires of that time: Spain, North America, and France. The rupturing of empires, the fragmenting of a onceunified community--in both cases the essay emerges as a genre from disturbed circumstances. The critical voice of...Tematem prace Je eseJ jako zanr a specificka esejistika Mexicana Octavia Paze (1914-1998). Esejisticka tvorba Octavia Paze se vyviji v intelektualni tradici hispanoamerickeho eseje jako literarnim zanru. Autofi eseju vnaseji do literatury sve reflexe a sva pojeti vlastni identifikace. Odtud vychazeji otazky, ktere tento literarni zanr v Latinske Americe klade: problem mirodni identity a kriticky pristup k vYznamu modernity. Pazova esejistika mela pozitivni i negativni ohlas v Mexiku i mimo ne. Prace se tedy zamefuje predevsim na kriticky pohled na Pazovo dUo. Snazi se poukazat jak na tema reflexi, tak na stavebni prvky; odpovedet na otazky, kdo eseje vypravuje, co ddi esej pohromade a jaky je jeho smysl. Mexicky spisovatel Sergio Pitol zmiiiuje, ze u O. Paze jsou v praXl psani eseJe okamziky, ve kterych se basnicky jazyk misi a blizi k vypraveni a "intelektualni projev pouziva prostfedku pr6zy". (Pitol, 1998) A to je psani eseje, ktere Octavio Paz voH k poetickemu uchopeni konfliktil a my til, pricemz bere jako protagonistu narod: Mexiko. Prace pouziva analytickou metodu k rozliseni prvku latinskoamerickeho esejistickeho zanru a literarnich komponentu eseje Octavia Paze, zkouma jeho tvrzeni v dejinnem kontextu Mexika a sleduje vztahy retorickych prostredku jeho deL Konfrontaci nazorU se vyrovnava s...