Original title:
New Axiomatization of Quantum Mechanics
Translated title:
Nová axiomatizace kvantové mechaniky
Souček, Jiří Document type: Preprints
eng Abstract:
In this paper we describe a new (complete) axiomatization of quantum mechanics (QM) in which we add axioms describing the concept of an observation. We show that new axioms are clear and evident and based on common sense. Our approach is based on the idea of the observation of properties of an individual measuring system. We distinguish two concepts of a state: the properties of an individual measuring system and the state of an ensemble of systems. Then we prove that the ontic model of QM is inconsistent. This is our main result. This implies the necessity to consider “non-realistic” models for QM in which it is not true that each wave-function describes a possible state of an individual system. Our axiomatization is based on the postulate of the existence of definite outputs of an experiment. Thus the evident reality of the existence of definite outputs implies that our axiomatization is true and verifiable.
axiomatic theory of systems; ontology; quantum mechanics; axiomatická teorie systémů; kvantová mechanika; ontologie
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