Original title:
Bifurcations in contact problems with Coulomb friction
Ligurský, Tomáš ; Renard, Y. Document type: Papers Conference/Event: SNA ’17. Seminar on Numerical Analysis, Ostrava (CZ), 20170130
eng Abstract:
To explore the bifurcation in this contact problem, we have taken uniform meshes with 4096, 16384, 65536 and 262144 triangles. We shall show that the bifurcation behaviour is more complex here. Branches 1 and 4 approach one another for finer meshes, and they disappear both for the finest mesh. Nevertheless, regarding the branching of the corresponding contact problem with forces h = (h1,h2) over the plane h1-h2, one can find it stable and convergent, again. \n
bifurcation; contact problem; Coulomb friction Project no.: LQ1602 (CEP) Funding provider: GA MŠk Host item entry: SNA´17 - Seminar on Numerical Analysis, ISBN 978-80-86407-64-7