Electronic medical report and e-health
Valášek, Ondřej ; Ulman, Miloš (vedoucí práce) ; Šimek, Pavel (oponent) Typ dokumentu: Bakalářské práce
Nakladatel: Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze
Abstrakt: This bachelor thesis is devoted to the topic of electronic health or eHealth. The main goal of the thesis is to identify and provide an overview of eHealth, electronic health in the Czech Republic along with Czech and European eHealth projects. Based on the gained findings from the practical part, author will provide a system solution.
The theoretical part focuses on the definition of eHealth, based on the literature. This mainly includes eHealth in the Czech Republic, Data standards and development of the eHealth.
The practical part is focused on the comparison of eHealth and eHealth related tools. From provided interview with eHealth systems specialist, two system solutions created by the author of the thesis are proposed. Solutions are later analyzed by the SWOT analysis.
In the last part of the thesis final evaluation of the topic and results from the practical part is given.