Home > Academic theses (ETDs) > Master’s theses > The possibility of future for South-South Cooperation on the example of Brazil's emerging Development Assistance on the International Scale
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The possibility of future for South-South Cooperation on the example of Brazil's emerging Development Assistance on the International Scale
Translated title:
The possibility of future for South-South Cooperation on the example of Brazil’s emerging Development Assistance on the International Scale.
Babirli, Alya ; Batueva, Ekaterina (advisor) ; Inostroza Pino, Luis Ernesto (referee) Document type: Master’s theses
eng Publisher:
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze Abstract:
[eng][cze] Práce zkoumá tradiční způsob rozvojové pomoci prostřednictvím různých definic a typů zahraniční pomoci za uplatnění tří existujících teorií, a sice teorie "měkké síly" Josepha Nye Jr., "rozvojové teorie" Hanse Morgentraua a teorie Paula Rosensteina-Rodana "Big push". Práce se soustředí především na jednu z hlavních zemí Spolupráce jih-jih Brazílii, poskytuje důkazy o její schopnosti stát se poskytovatelem mezinárodní pomoci, a zaměřuje se na rostoucí význam Brazílie na mezinárodní scéně.The nature of development assistance is rapidly changing. The emergence of new rising aid donors in the international development system has raised many questions with regard to their real motivations and implications. The aid system used to have one direction, with Northern highly industrialized countries granting and providing aids for development to Southern poor regions-states. Now, the trend is changing due to the expansion of South-South Cooperation (SSC) in the international sphere, and the so-called BRIC countries are its main players due to their new economic and political potential. This thesis will investigate the traditional way of development assistance by offering definitions and types of foreign aid, applying three existing theories, namely the soft power theory of Joseph Nye Jr., the development theory of Hans Morgenthau, and Paul Rosenstein- Rodan's big push theory. The thesis will particularly focus on one of the main countries of SSC, Brazil, and will provide evidences of Brazil's capacity to become an international aid donor, and its increasing significance in the international arena.
Brazil; OECD; Rozvoj; South-South Cooperation; Brazil; Development; OECD; South-South Cooperation
Institution: University of Economics, Prague
Document availability information: Available in the digital repository of the University of Economics, Prague. Original record: http://www.vse.cz/vskp/eid/40181