Original title:
Hlavní příčiny a trendy změn vegetace a flóry ve vztahu ke krajině ČR
Translated title:
Main causes and trends of vegetation and floristic changes in the landscape of the Czech Republic
Petřík, Petr Document type: Papers Conference/Event: Semináře Komise pro životní prostředí Akademie věd ČR, Praha (CZ), 2013-10-08 a 2014-06-05
cze Abstract:
[cze][eng] Příspěvek se zabývá příklady vybraných hojných i vzácných rostlinných společenstev a biotopů, které jsou ohroženy současným hospodařením v krajině ČR. Navrhuje možnosti jejich revitalizace a v závěru doporučuje opatření na národní úrovni vyplývající z z Evropské úmluvy o krajině. The paper summarizes selected findings from long-term research of selected plant communities (forests, meadows, pastures and dry grasslands, wetlands, fens, bogs, water habitats and vanishing anthropogenic habitats) and presents the possibility of their revitalization (e.g. by mowing, season-long grazing on meadows and construction of dampers and shallow ponds in drainage channels on reclaimed flows). In conclusion, measures to remedy the state of affairs in accordance with international conventions (especially the European Landscape Convention signed by the Czech Republic) are proposed. The current debate about the landscape is still limited mainly to that concerning protected areas. However, the essential decision-making processes for preserving biodiversity in the wider landscape are at the level of sectoral organization managed by the Czech Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Industry and Trade, and partly by the Ministry of Regional Development and concern construction management and land-use planning. Theoretical and practical issues of revitalization are engaged in the field of restoration ecology, which has achieved success more for younger successional stages of vegetation or disturbed areas.
biodiversity; climate change; society Host item entry: Povodně a sucho: krajina jako základ řešení, ISBN 978-80-86188-44-7
Institution: Institute of Botany AS ČR
Document availability information: Fulltext is available at the institute of the Academy of Sciences. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0245007