Original title: Zpřístupnění bibliografických dat Katalogu NTK a Národní databáze ISSN za podmínek odpovídajících režimu Open Definition
Translated title: Making available bibliographic data of the NTK catalogue and National database ISSN under conditions appropriate Open Definition
Authors: Polčák, Radim ; Myška, Matěj ; Šavelka, Jaromír
Document type: Analysis
Year: 2011
Language: cze
Publisher: Masarykova univerzita
Keywords: bibliographic data; catalogue; catalogues; legal analysis; libraries; licence; licence Creative Commons; licences; metadata; National technical library; Open Data; Open Definition; bibliografická data; katalog; katalogy; knihovny; licence; licence ; licence Creative Commons; metadata; Národní technická knihovna; právní analýza
Rights: This work is protected under the Copyright Act No. 121/2000 Coll.

Institution: National Library of Technology (web)

Permalink: http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-111589

The record appears in these collections:
Culture > Libraries > National Library of Technology
Analytical and methodological materials > Analysis
 Record created 2012-04-18, last modified 2023-12-11

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