Institute of Parasitology

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První zkušenosti s nízkonapěťovým elektronovým mikroskopem
Nebesářová, Jana
Je krátce popsán nízkonapěťový elektronový mikroskop LV EM 5 vyráběný firmou Delong Instruments a jsou prezentovány první zkušenosti s přípravou biologických preparátů pro pozorování v tomto mikroskopu. Je to unikátní přístroj, který je schopen v lékařském a biologickém výzkumu nahradit vysokonapěťový TEM.

Detailed record
Observation of biological material in low voltage transmission electron microscope
Vancová, Marie ; Nebesářová, Jana
Different methods of specimen preparation for low voltage transmission electron microscopy (LVEM) were evaluated. The contrast of the image in LVEM, contrary to high voltage TEM, is strongly influenced by the thickness of the specimen. The resin embedding media used and the process of sectioning employed contributed to image quality and resolution.

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Comparison of the cell structure of tissues prepared by different methods for transmission electron microscopy
Vancová, Marie ; Nebesářová, Jana
The aim of this work is to show how methods which are able to retain antigenicity of tissues can influence the structural appearance of the specimen. We compared the ultrastructure of tissues conventionally embedded in hydrophobic epoxides, with tissues embedded in hydrophilic acrylic resins (polymerized by heat or UV light) and cryo-sections.

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The first experience with the specimen preparation for low-voltage transmission electron microscope
Nebesářová, Jana ; Vancová, Marie
The low-voltage transmission electron microscope, working in the TEM mode, requires ultrathin sections with a thickness 20-30nm. This demand brings problems with a section cohesion caused by insufficient resin infiltration and with a chatter caused by unequal thickness of the section. The contrast of unstained biological specimens in LV TEM is comparable with the contrast obtained in HV TEM of stained specimens.

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Electron microscopical study of embryonic envelopes in the tapeworm Proteocephalus torulosus (Cestoda: Proteocephalidea)
Bruňanská, Magdaléna ; Nebesářová, Jana ; Scholz, Tomáš
The ultrastructure of the embryonic envelopes of the cestode Proteocephalus torulosus (Batsch, 1786), a parasite of cyprinid fish, was examined by transmission electron microscopy.

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