2025-03-02 00:01 |
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2025-02-22 00:00 |
Production of a mid-sized PV installation
Eben, Kryštof ; Krč, Pavel ; Pelikán, Emil
This report contains preliminary results of a case study of the photovoltaic (PV) energy production and forecasting. The installation (50 kWp so far) is designed to cover a part of the energy consumption of a small scientific academic institute (Institute of Computer Science, The Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague). We illustrate available modelling and forecasting methods. Also, an evaluation of the benefits is performed and the potential risk of overhead production is discussed. One of the purposes of the report is to give a rough guidance for other academic institutions in Prague, considering to build a PV installation at their own premises. The present period of evaluation is too short for drawing any final conclusions. The installation will grow to 250 kWp in 2025 and further measuring devices (a pyranometer and a thermometer measuring the cell temperature) will be installed. After a longer time of observation more additional results will be available
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2025-02-22 00:00 |
Demography in the Context of Population Sciences: A Historical Reflection
Kalina, Jan
Demography as a science about populations has developed in a close relationship with other natural and social sciences. The tight relationship of demography to social sciences and statistics is now taken for granted, while the relationship to natural sciences remains underappreciated. This paper aims to search for interdisciplinary connections of demography to natural sciences focused on populations. It starts with an excursion to history and contemplates on the motivation for the historical development of demography in a broader scientific and historical context. Individual topics discusses here include the origins of probabilistic mortality tables and historical personalities of Adolphe Quetelet, Leonard Darwin, and Ronald A. Fisher, where an original application of Fisher factorial test is presented. The connection between the history of demography and eugenics in the first half of the 20th century is also recalled. Finally, the paper continues with a discussion of current relationships of demography with (modern) eugenics or population genetics.
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2025-02-09 00:17 |
Enlightening Metaphors of Artificial Intelligence
Wiedermann, Jiří
Metaphors offer a great way to understand new concepts. In this essay, we introduce several metaphors by prominent AI luminaries that have recently appeared in the media and are used to enlighten the concept of AI in general and LLMs in particular. None of these metaphors completely captures the essence of the notion at hand, but each illuminates some aspects. It is hoped that the union of all intuitions behind all these metaphors will result in an original mental image leading to a new apprehension and appreciation of the respective technologies and their potential. In the accompanying talk, we will discuss the weak and strong points of the individual metaphors.
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2025-02-01 00:00 |
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2025-02-01 00:00 |
Porovnání různě komplexních mikroměřítkových modelů v městské zástavbě
Patiño, W. ; Vlček, O. ; Bauerová, P. ; Belda, M. ; Bureš, Martin ; Eben, Kryštof ; Fuka, V. ; Geletič, Jan ; Jareš, R. ; Karel, J. ; Keder, J. ; Krč, Pavel ; Radović, J. ; Řezníček, Hynek ; Šindelářová, A. ; Resler, Jaroslav
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2025-02-01 00:00 |
Metody odhadu imisních statistik z omezeného počtu mikroměřítkových simulací
Pikousová, T. ; Eben, Kryštof ; Vlček, O. ; Resler, Jaroslav ; Patiño, W. ; Krč, Pavel ; Belda, M. ; Bureš, Martin ; Fuka, V. ; Geletič, Jan ; Jareš, R. ; Karel, J. ; Radović, J. ; Řezníček, Hynek ; Montero, P. C.
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2025-02-01 00:00 |
On the information-based approaches in economics and finance
Kalina, Jan
The amount of information relevant for decision making in economic and financial applications keeps dramatically increasing. This will allow a radical transformation of economic and financial practices towards the ideals that may be denoted as informationbased. These information-based procedures will exploit modern statistical tools for extracting useful knowledge from the available information in the form of data. This paper is devoted to a discussion of information-based approaches to investing, which will be based on portfolio diversification and optimization, or to transfer learning, where the last is based on information flow from given learning tasks (especially in finance) to a new related task. In addition, a novel robust procedure for estimating the parameters of the Gompertz curve is proposed here. On the whole, the information-based approaches in economics and finance will definitely go beyond the currently discussed evidence-based approaches, which are inspired by the currently popular concept of the evidence-based medicine.
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2024-12-14 00:13 |
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2024-12-14 00:13 |
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