Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 3 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Process of ecological recycling of vehicles
Hetteš, Štefan ; Zháňal, Lubor (oponent) ; Fojtášek, Jan (vedoucí práce)
The whole goal of bachelor work was coherently give information about a process of ecological recycling of vehicles given a construction of vehicles and reuse of obtain materials which eliminate formation dangerous scraps. I included nowadays findings in ecological recyclation and future growth in my work. Also I worked on legislative sections which manage recycling. At the end I described whole technological procedure of recycling disposal.
Process of ecological recycling of vehicles
Hetteš, Štefan ; Zháňal, Lubor (oponent) ; Fojtášek, Jan (vedoucí práce)
The whole goal of bachelor work was coherently give information about a process of ecological recycling of vehicles given a construction of vehicles and reuse of obtain materials which eliminate formation dangerous scraps. I included nowadays findings in ecological recyclation and future growth in my work. Also I worked on legislative sections which manage recycling. At the end I described whole technological procedure of recycling disposal.
Process of ecological recycling of vehicles
Hetteš, Štefan ; Zháňal, Lubor (oponent) ; Fojtášek, Jan (vedoucí práce)
The whole goal of bachelor work was coherently give information about a process of ecological recycling of vehicles given a construction of vehicles and reuse of obtain materials which eliminate formation dangerous scraps. I included nowadays findings in ecological recyclation and future growth in my work. Also I worked on legislative sections which manage recycling. At the end I described whole technological procedure of recycling disposal.

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