Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 1 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Problémové užívání médií u dětí mladšího školního věku
Malečková, Helena ; Lukavská, Kateřina (vedoucí práce) ; High, Radka (oponent)
This thesis focuses on children's problematic media use (PMU). It applies to children between 6 to 10 years old. It examines children's problematic media use itself, its measuring tools as well as actual addiction diagnoses "Gaming Disorder" and "Internet Gaming Disorder" in systems ICD-10 and DSM V. It also includes a chapter about parent practice (parental warmth and control) that is often linked to PMU. Theoretical frame "Interactional theory - Childhood Problematic Use" (IT-CPU) is presented and used for the research. Aim of the study is a presentation of new screening questionnaire (Intrusive Smartphone Use, ISU) and evaluation of its psychometric characteristics. Based on the ISU the thesis detects a group of risk users. Subsequently, it verifies whether there is an association between PMU and selected factors (child's sex, education level of parent, parental warmth and control, screen time). Statistically significant associations between children's PMU and parental warmth, parental control and screen time, has been found, no other associations were confirmed. Child's mean screen time was 250 minutes per day (intact group), mean screen time of child from risk group was 375 minutes per day. KEYWORDS problematic media use, children's PMU, Intrusive Screen Use, parental warmth, parental control,...

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