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Sociální sítě jako primární zdroj informací při prezidentských volbách - komparace USA a ČR
Šírová, Veronika ; Moravec, Václav (vedoucí práce) ; Jirků, Jan (oponent)
This bachelor thesis is dedicated to the pre-election communications of presidential candidates on social network sites which are slowly becoming a primary source of information and news content for members of generation Y and Z. The intent of this thesis is to compare the use of Facebook in the presidential campaign in two different countries - the United States of America and the Czech Republic (or Czechia.) In the case of the United States this thesis focuses on the presidential election of 2016 between the candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. In Czechia the research sample comprises the 2018 presidential election candidates Milos Zeman and Jiri Drahos. This issue is introduced in the theoretical part, which describes the transformations related to the launch of Web 2.0 and social media. Next, problematic aspects of the online environment are discussed, followed by a delineation of characteristics of Facebook as an information content source. Finally, the role of social network sites in the area of political marketing is mentioned. The practical part of this thesis concentrates on analyzing the data collected from a total of 578 Facebook posts, which the above mentioned candidates posted in a three week period prior the final election. This research examines the frequency, type,...

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