Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 4 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Deep learning model for segmentation of trabecular tissue on CT data of the lumbar spine
Nagyová, Miriam ; Nohel, Michal
This paper focuses on training a deep learning model for vertebral body segmentation of the lumbar spine. The nnU-Net model was trained and tested on a publicly available dataset LumVBCanSeg consisting of 185 lumbar CT scans. Dice coefficient was used to evaluate the accuracy of the trained model. The mean Dice coefficient of the testing dataset was 0.949 with a standard deviation of 0.103. The model was also tested on clinical data containing various abnormalities, such as lytic lesions in multiple myeloma patients and metallic implants. Results were evaluated visually. While the model showed high accuracy on the testing dataset, the results on scans with anomalies showed a decline in accuracy.
Implementation of a deep learning model for segmentation of multiple myeloma in CT data
Gálík, Pavel ; Nohel, Michal
This paper deals with the implementation of a deep learning model for spinal tumor segmentation of multiple myeloma patients in CT data. Deep learning is becoming an important part of developing computer-aided detection and diagnosis systems. In this study, a database of 25 patients who were imaged on spectral CT and for whom different parametric images (conventional CT, virtual monoenergetic images, calcium suppression images) were reconstructed, was used. Three convolutional neural network models based on the nnU-Net framework for lytic lesion segmentation were trained on the selected data. The results were evaluated on a test database and the trained models were compared.
Implementation of a deep learning model for spinal tumor segmentation of multiple myeloma patients in CT data
Gálík, Pavel ; Chmelík, Jiří (oponent) ; Nohel, Michal (vedoucí práce)
This master thesis deals with the implementation of a deep learning model for spinal tumor segmentation of multiple myeloma patients in CT data. The thesis introduces readers to the anatomy of the spine, the topic of multiple myeloma, and the principles of CT imaging. The deep learning is becoming an important part of developing computer-aided detection and diagnosis systems. The thesis introduces various deep-learning models for image segmentation, and the nnU-Net model was implemented for spinal tumor segmentation.
Segmentace optického disku v obrazových datech sítnice
Nohel, Michal ; Drahanský, Martin (oponent) ; Kolář, Radim (vedoucí práce)
Diplomová práce se zabývá segmentací optického disku a cupu v obrazových datech sítnice. V teoretické části se práce zabývá popisem optického disku a cupu a její součástí je přehled současného stavu využití metod strojového učení pro segmentaci optického disku a cupu. Dále jsou popsány základní principy a bloky konvolučních neuronových sítí. Na vytvořených databázích byly natrénovány konvoluční neuronové sítě U-Net a její modifikace nnU-Net. Tyto modely byly testovány a dosažené výsledky byly diskutovány a srovnány s vybranými publikovanými metodami. Závěrem byly modely vyhodnoceny z~hlediska možnosti jejich praktického využití.

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