Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
The Support and Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Czech Republic
Rypák, Marcel ; Zinecker, Marek (oponent) ; Sághy Estélyi, Kristína (vedoucí práce)
Diploma thesis deals with analysis of support and development initiatives of small and medium enterprises in the EU and the Czech Republic, with particular proposals of business support recommendations in South Moravian Region. This concept results from the fact that small and medium enterprises represent the largest business segment in European market and national economies of its Member States. The first chapter describes theoretical background of SMEs and their role in the European and Czech market. The second chapter analyses European, Czech national and regional possibilities of the support and development of SMEs. The third, the final chapter evaluates particular possibilities according their use for SMEs in South Moravian Region and proposes the author´s recommendations for further possibilities of the support and development of SMEs to the future.
The Support and Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Czech Republic
Rypák, Marcel ; Zinecker, Marek (oponent) ; Sághy Estélyi, Kristína (vedoucí práce)
Diploma thesis deals with analysis of support and development initiatives of small and medium enterprises in the EU and the Czech Republic, with particular proposals of business support recommendations in South Moravian Region. This concept results from the fact that small and medium enterprises represent the largest business segment in European market and national economies of its Member States. The first chapter describes theoretical background of SMEs and their role in the European and Czech market. The second chapter analyses European, Czech national and regional possibilities of the support and development of SMEs. The third, the final chapter evaluates particular possibilities according their use for SMEs in South Moravian Region and proposes the author´s recommendations for further possibilities of the support and development of SMEs to the future.

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