Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 4 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
The Influence of English on Other Languages, Especially Czech
Bondareva, Anastasiia ; Zmrzlá, Petra (oponent) ; Smutný, Milan (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis examines the topic of English influence on other languages, especially on present day Czech language. The beginning of the thesis deals with the historical background of the English language in order to understand the reasons of wide usage of English nowadays. The following part explains the importance of learning English nowadays and explains main reasons of learning it. The next part deals with the practical part, where different books, articles have been analyzed to prove the existence of English loanwords in Czech, Russian and French. The reasons for adoption of borrowed words are also analyzed in this part of the thesis. Finally, the last part of the bachelor thesis demonstrates the negative impact of the English language on other languages.
The Influence of English on Other Languages, Especially Czech
Bondareva, Anastasiia ; Zmrzlá, Petra (oponent) ; Smutný, Milan (vedoucí práce)
In my semestral thesis a history of the English language was described to understand why this language is widely used nowadays in other countries. The main reasons of borrowing English words are colonization of different places in the world by British Empire and the leadership of USA in the field of computer technologies, engineering and TV. I also explained how these tendencies are excepted in the world. The negative and positive aspects are described in detail.
The Influence of English on Other Languages, Especially Czech
Bondareva, Anastasiia ; Zmrzlá, Petra (oponent) ; Smutný, Milan (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis examines the topic of English influence on other languages, especially on present day Czech language. The beginning of the thesis deals with the historical background of the English language in order to understand the reasons of wide usage of English nowadays. The following part explains the importance of learning English nowadays and explains main reasons of learning it. The next part deals with the practical part, where different books, articles have been analyzed to prove the existence of English loanwords in Czech, Russian and French. The reasons for adoption of borrowed words are also analyzed in this part of the thesis. Finally, the last part of the bachelor thesis demonstrates the negative impact of the English language on other languages.
The Influence of English on Other Languages, Especially Czech
Bondareva, Anastasiia ; Zmrzlá, Petra (oponent) ; Smutný, Milan (vedoucí práce)
In my semestral thesis a history of the English language was described to understand why this language is widely used nowadays in other countries. The main reasons of borrowing English words are colonization of different places in the world by British Empire and the leadership of USA in the field of computer technologies, engineering and TV. I also explained how these tendencies are excepted in the world. The negative and positive aspects are described in detail.

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