Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 4 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.08 vteřin. 
Short Crack Growth in Materials for High Temperature Applications
Mazánová, Veronika ; Obrtlík, Karel (oponent) ; Krupp, habil Ulrich (oponent) ; Polák, Jaroslav (vedoucí práce)
: Advanced highly-alloyed austenitic stainless steel Sanicro 25 based on Fe-Ni-Cr matrix was studied under the conditions of low cycle fatigue at room temperature and at elevated temperature of 700 °C. Several state-of-the-art experimental techniques were used to investigate the mutual effects of alloy composition, microstructural changes and deformation mechanisms, which determine the overall damage resistance of the material. The main effort has been focused on the fatigue crack initiation and the short crack growth, two stages which play an essential role in the resulting fatigue life of the material in the service. • The internal deformation mechanisms were correlated with the evolution of the surface relief in the form of persistent slip markings. It was found that the high planar character of the dislocation slip causes the high cyclic plastic strain localization into the persistent slip bands and thus the early Stage I crack nucleation associated with the presence of the persistent slip markings in all studied samples. The twin boundary cracking was found to be related to the presence of the persistent slip marking along the surface trace of twin boundary as well. • The intergranular crack initiation was observed only rarely at high strain amplitude loading. It was found to be related to the presence of the persistent slip markings at the grain boundary. Owing to high number of local incompatibilities at the grain boundary caused by the shape of the persistent slip markings the grain boundary cracks under the external tensile loading. • The crack growth mechanisms of natural short cracks were studied on the samples subjected both to low and high strain amplitude cycling. The role of microstructure was analysed using experimental techniques and discussed. • The crack growth rates of the longest cracks were measured on the samples with a shallow notch. The results were analysed using the fracture mechanics approaches based both on amplitude of KI and of J-integral as well as on the plastic strain amplitude. All approaches were discussed in the relation to the Manson-Coffin fatigue life curve. The simple power law of the short crack growth based on the plastic strain amplitude shows very good correlation to the fatigue life law. • In the case of cycling at elevated temperature the role of oxidation was studied. The brittle cracking of the oxidized grain boundaries was found to play a major role in the early stages of crack nucleation. Later the crack growth path changes to be preferentially transgranular. The crack growth path is very similar to that studied in room temperature cycling.
Short Crack Growth in Materials for High Temperature Applications
Mazánová, Veronika ; Obrtlík, Karel (oponent) ; Krupp, habil Ulrich (oponent) ; Polák, Jaroslav (vedoucí práce)
: Advanced highly-alloyed austenitic stainless steel Sanicro 25 based on Fe-Ni-Cr matrix was studied under the conditions of low cycle fatigue at room temperature and at elevated temperature of 700 °C. Several state-of-the-art experimental techniques were used to investigate the mutual effects of alloy composition, microstructural changes and deformation mechanisms, which determine the overall damage resistance of the material. The main effort has been focused on the fatigue crack initiation and the short crack growth, two stages which play an essential role in the resulting fatigue life of the material in the service. • The internal deformation mechanisms were correlated with the evolution of the surface relief in the form of persistent slip markings. It was found that the high planar character of the dislocation slip causes the high cyclic plastic strain localization into the persistent slip bands and thus the early Stage I crack nucleation associated with the presence of the persistent slip markings in all studied samples. The twin boundary cracking was found to be related to the presence of the persistent slip marking along the surface trace of twin boundary as well. • The intergranular crack initiation was observed only rarely at high strain amplitude loading. It was found to be related to the presence of the persistent slip markings at the grain boundary. Owing to high number of local incompatibilities at the grain boundary caused by the shape of the persistent slip markings the grain boundary cracks under the external tensile loading. • The crack growth mechanisms of natural short cracks were studied on the samples subjected both to low and high strain amplitude cycling. The role of microstructure was analysed using experimental techniques and discussed. • The crack growth rates of the longest cracks were measured on the samples with a shallow notch. The results were analysed using the fracture mechanics approaches based both on amplitude of KI and of J-integral as well as on the plastic strain amplitude. All approaches were discussed in the relation to the Manson-Coffin fatigue life curve. The simple power law of the short crack growth based on the plastic strain amplitude shows very good correlation to the fatigue life law. • In the case of cycling at elevated temperature the role of oxidation was studied. The brittle cracking of the oxidized grain boundaries was found to play a major role in the early stages of crack nucleation. Later the crack growth path changes to be preferentially transgranular. The crack growth path is very similar to that studied in room temperature cycling.
Fatigue life and fracture of cast gamma TiAl intermetallic alloy at room and elevated temperatures
Petrenec, Martin ; Šmíd, Miroslav ; Polák, Jaroslav
The low-cycle fatigue properties, surface relief and fracture surfaces of cast TiAl alloys with 2 at.% Nb having nearly lamellar microstructure were studied at room temperature and at 750 degrees C. Cyclic stress-strain curves (CSSC) and fatigue life curves were obtained at both temperatures. The surface relief and the fracture surfaces of fractured specimens were observed using scanning electron microscopy. At room temperature, significant cyclic hardening is observed whereas at 750 degrees C cyclic response was stable. Parameters of the CSSC, the Manson-Coffin law and the Basquin law were determined. Persistent slip markings formed along interlamellar interfaces were predominant locations for fatigue cracks at both temperatures. The cracks initiated at surface or in sub-surface region led to the formation of smooth flat areas on the fracture surface corresponding to the persistent slip bands.
Využití některých typů SMS v E-commerce
Hřebabecký, Jan ; Toman, Prokop (vedoucí práce) ; Bébr, Richard (oponent)
Práce si klade za cíl poskytnout ucelený pohled na problematiku využití SMS zejména v oblasti internetu. Vysvětluje základní pojmy jako jsou e-commerce, SMS, Premium SMS, Mikroplatební SMS, MT Billing a další. Značná část je věnována obchodní stránce využití SMS v oblasti zpoplatnění internetových služeb a obsahů. Zmíněny jsou i některé technické aspekty zavádění SMS Mikroplateb na internetu. Nastíněny jsou rovněž kategorie možného využití SMS Mikroplateb na internetu. Po vymezení základního rámce SMS služeb využitelných pro internetové zpoplatnění se práce dále věnuje důvodům vzniku a uplatnění SMS Mikroplateb v prostředí internetové reality, projektu SMSden.com a jeho konkrétním přínosům v oblasti internetového zpoplatnění obsahů a služeb. V části zaměřené na praktickou stránku zavádění služby SMSden.com je popsán postup zavádění na konkrétním příkladu zpoplatnění článků internetového časopisu. Následuje část věnovaná statistikám využití SMS Mikroplateb na českém internetu, získaným ze systému SMSden.com a jejich zhodnocení. V závěru jsou uvedeny možné směry budoucího vývoje v oblasti SMS zpoplatnění a využití služeb založených na Premium SMS, zhodnoceny přínosy, ale také možné nevýhody postupného zavádění SMS zpoplatnění a SMS služeb zpoplatnění umožňujících.

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