Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 6 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
Performance Testing and Analysis of Qpid Dispatch Router
Stejskal, Jakub ; Rogalewicz, Adam (oponent) ; Fiedor, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
Application performance testing has recently become more important during the application development of all kinds. This paper maps the fundamentals of performance testing that are commonly used and it analyzes performance testing of components used in Messaging systems, especially Apache ActiveMQ Artemis and Qpid-Dispatch. However, currently used methods for performance testing of these components are primarily focused only on Apache ActiveMQ Artemis by system Messaging Performance Tool called Maestro. This paper proposes improvements of Messaging Performance Tool to allow proper performance testing of Qpid-Dispatch and its capabilities in automatic testing. The solution is demonstrated on series of experiments with different topologies. The final report evaluates the proposed application, the performance of Qpid-Dispatch component and develops ideas for future works.
Mechanismy MPT a MPTCP v datových sítích a jejich efektivita
Sejkora, Petr ; Jeřábek, Jan (oponent) ; Koton, Jaroslav (vedoucí práce)
Tato práce se zabývá problematikou vícecestného přenosu v rámci datových sítí za účelem zrychlení přenosu po sítích s omezenou přenosovou rychlostí. Práce porovnává vlastnosti, efektivitu a reakci na změny jednotlivých přenosových tras. Práce se zvlášť věnuje mechanismům MPT a MPTCP.
Secure and Efficient State Preservation in Ethereum-Based Smart Contract Platforms
Eršek, Martin ; Perešíni, Martin (oponent) ; Homoliak, Ivan (vedoucí práce)
This thesis presents a solution to mitigate state-related challenges in Ethereum. By analyzing Ethereum internals and relevant literature, the identified problems are addressed. A proof-of-concept implementation showcases promising results, such as up to a 33% reduction in membership proof size and nearly a 50% decrease in mean transaction execution time compared to existing solutions. Furthermore, the proposed solution enables effective parallel processing with over a 97% chance of non-conflicting execution for 8 random native transfer transactions. Future work involves implementing a parallel execution client and integrating the solution into production, advancing Ethereum's state management capabilities.
Performance Testing and Analysis of Qpid Dispatch Router
Stejskal, Jakub ; Rogalewicz, Adam (oponent) ; Fiedor, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
Application performance testing has recently become more important during the application development of all kinds. This paper maps the fundamentals of performance testing that are commonly used and it analyzes performance testing of components used in Messaging systems, especially Apache ActiveMQ Artemis and Qpid-Dispatch. However, currently used methods for performance testing of these components are primarily focused only on Apache ActiveMQ Artemis by system Messaging Performance Tool called Maestro. This paper proposes improvements of Messaging Performance Tool to allow proper performance testing of Qpid-Dispatch and its capabilities in automatic testing. The solution is demonstrated on series of experiments with different topologies. The final report evaluates the proposed application, the performance of Qpid-Dispatch component and develops ideas for future works.
MPT and MPTCP Mechanisms in Data Network
Sejkora, Petr
This work deals with multipath transmission in the data networks to speed up transmission over networks with limited transmission speed. Work compares the characteristics, efficiency and response to changes in individual transmission paths. Work is specifically dedicated to MPT and MPTCP mechanisms.
Mechanismy MPT a MPTCP v datových sítích a jejich efektivita
Sejkora, Petr ; Jeřábek, Jan (oponent) ; Koton, Jaroslav (vedoucí práce)
Tato práce se zabývá problematikou vícecestného přenosu v rámci datových sítí za účelem zrychlení přenosu po sítích s omezenou přenosovou rychlostí. Práce porovnává vlastnosti, efektivitu a reakci na změny jednotlivých přenosových tras. Práce se zvlášť věnuje mechanismům MPT a MPTCP.

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