National Repository of Grey Literature 26,264 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 1.07 seconds. 

The Image of Beer in Czech society in 2007
Vinopal, Jiří
Within the continual project of monitoring the phenomenon of the beer in Czech society the topic of the image of beer was surveyed in October 2007. The press release provides us with overall information about general relationship of Czechs to the beer; about its status as the beverage appropriate or inappropriate for diverse situations and about occasions in which the beer is consumed most often. The attention is paid also to the social dimension of the public image of the beer and to the change of chosen indicators since 2004.

The Incidence of Suicide Among Alcoholics
LHOTSKÁ, Veronika
For my master thesis, I have chosen the topic of alcoholics' suicide occurrence. There were 1647 people who have committed a suicide in the Czech Republic during the year 2012. Out of the 1647 people, there were 1370 men, and 277 women (ČSÚ, 2013). The deaths of alcoholics are not recorded by the National Evidence Center. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The information for the theoretical part was gathered from academic sources. The two examined parts are the suicide commitment in the Czech Republic, and the alcohol consumption. The practical part is simply a primary research that I have done in PL Červený Dvůr. The research had two parts; quantitative and qualitative. The qualitative part was done through interviews with chosen respondents. The quantitative part was done through surveys distributed in PL Červený Dvůr. I have chosen to do the quantitative part first, so that I could choose the right candidates for the quantitative part based on their responses. The interviews helped me to complete the information I was looking for. I have set various goals that I wanted to reach through the research. The main goal was to chart the suicide behavior of alcoholics who are patients of PL Červený Dvůr. In order to reach such goal, I have set partial goals. The first partial goal was to contras the reason that lead the patients of PL Červený Dvůr to try to commit a suicide. According to the results I received, the most common reason for committing a suicide is either unfulfilled love, or the breaking-up with partner. Another goal was to discover the way the patients tried to kill themselves. As the majority responded so, the most common way is to cut the veins while drunk. The third goal was to compare and contrast the different reasons why as well as the ways how to commit a suicide. I have focused on two groups of patients of PL Červený Dvůr; the alcoholics and the toxicants. The alcoholics had proven that the reason why the tried to kill themselves was love, but the toxicants stated that they did it because they simply did not have a reason to live anymore. Both of the groups decided to end their lives by cutting their veins.

Euroregion Silva Nortica and perception of Euroregion Silva Nortica among students in secondary schools of South Bohemia and the Waldviertel
The author of this bachelor thesis will be discussing the development in the relationships in the Czech-Austrian borderland after the year 1989, where the main emphasis is mainly put on the activities of Euroregion Silva Nortica (ERSN). ERSN was established on the 28 of May in 2002 and involves the areas of former districts called Jindřichův Hradec, Budweis, Písek and Tábor. In the area of Lower Austria, we are speaking of the Waldviertel region with its Zwettl, Krems, Gmünd, Waidhofen an der Thaya and Horn districts. The main focus of this dissertation will not just include the mapping and the assessment of cross-border cooperation initiated by ERSN, but also its general recognition in the society. In conclusion of this, the part of the thesis will be created by the questionnaire which will find out the awarness of ERSN in the selected high schools (in the South Bohemia and Lower Austria).

The comparison of growth performance of beef breed Aberdeen Angus twins
Aberdeen Angus (originated in Scotland) is the second most common beef breed in the Czech Republic due to its resistance to adverse climatic events, modesty, earliness, ease of calving, low birth weight of calves and good maternal instincts of cows. The main economic indicator of suckler cows rearing is the number of born and weaned calves. Production of twins is possible way to improve these indicators. The aim of this thesis was to compare the growth potential of twins of Aberdeen Angus beef breed with individuals who were born as singletons. The work is focused on comparing the weight at birth, in 120 and 210 days of age. Most twins in the population of Aberdeen Angus breed reared in the Czech Republic in 2009-2013 was born in 2012 - 9.44 % (270 pcs.), the least in 2013 - 6.67 % (184 pcs.). The incidence of twins by birth order increased from 1 to 3 birth order (78, resp. 130, resp. 131 pcs.) as further increasing order resulted into decline of twin's incidence. The difference in weight between twins and singletons at birth was 5.81 kg, in 120 days 28.32 kg and 37.32 kg 210 days (P 0.001). Differences within twins by sex were for bulls and heifers statistically significant (P 0.001). The relationship between weight at birth and calving ease was also investigated - in the case of twins relationship was not statistically significant (P> 0.05). The lowest mortality rate of twins was in 2013 - 8.70 % (16 pcs.), the highest mortality rate was in 2012 36.67 % (99 pcs.). Most twins were born in 2011 (179 pcs.), whereas least twins were born in 2010 (160 pcs.).

National Repository of Grey Literature in 2012
Pejšová, Petra
National Repository of Grey Literature (NRGL) was established within a project which was successfully completed in 2011. Since 2012, the operation of NRGL is part of the standard service of National Technical Library. The paper will summarize the activities, news and researched issues in 2012.
Slides: idr-506_1 - Download fulltextPDF; idr-506_2 - Download fulltextPDF
Video: idr-506_3 - Download fulltextMP4

New Roman Period settlement finds from Prague-Kbely
Malyková, Drahomíra ; Bursák, D. ; Pecinovská, Monika
Presented rescue excavations took place in north-eastern part of Prague in the year 2007 within the parish of Prague-Kbely. Most of the features and artifacts belong to the Bronze Age and the late Iron Age. In this contribution authors focus only on the part of archaeological record that brought some evidence on settlement activities datable to the Roman Period. Approximately a half of the artifacts come from eight sunken features, the other part was found widespread in the wide unstratified layer, so any house or farmstead layout is hardly recognizable. Among the common pottery sherds that belong typologically to the end of 2nd-4th Century AD and bear typical signs of Germanic pottery were found also some finds of Roman-provincial provenience. Due to the small dimensions and absence of more detailed typological traces is hard to say something more concrete about these in Bohemia rarely found artifacts. Important finds also present the metallic artifacts, mostly from 2nd and 3rd Century AD.

Effective System of Evaluation and Financing of Research, Development and Innovations Project: hopes and expectations
Hronová, Stanislava
Since 2004 the methodology of evaluating research and development results (later: methodology of evaluating results achieved by research institutions) applied in the Czech Republic has gone through many revisions which however have not changed the principles of what was devised as a not very suitable system. The deformations resulting from such evaluation became fully apparent when the results were directly linked to the distribution of funds provided for the long term development of a given organisation. In 2011 the Council for Research, Development and Innovation decided on the basis of discussions within expert community about the fate of evaluation methodology, negative effects it had on research institutions, partial outputs (at that time) of the RDI System International Audit in the Czech Republic to adopt the Long Term Principles of Evaluating the Research Institutions Results. These principles are the backbone of IPn Methodology Project that should provide the scientific community as well as the public administration with an instrument of evaluating research institutions and with the system of research and development in the Czech Republic respecting international standards and departmental differences, based on quantitative and qualitative criteria
Slides: idr-464_2 - Download fulltextPDF
Video: idr-464_1 - Download fulltextMP4

Komplexní analýza dlouhodobých změn krkonošské tundry: Paleoekologická geneze vegetačních a klimatických změn v průběhu holocénu v tundrové oblasti Krkonošský národní park
Botanický ústav AV ČR, Průhonice ; Správa KRNAP, Vrchlabí ; Svobodová, Helena ; Vaněk, Jan
Cíl projektu: Popsání vodního režimu půd včetně znečištění těžkými kovy a distribuce radonu, dynamika tundrových ekosystémů v závislosti na změnách prostředí, sledování vývoje vegetačních a klimatických změn v krkonošské tundře v holocénu, rozbor příčin ohrožení populací vybraných krkonošských rostlinných druhů a sledování klíčivosti dominant travních dominant tundrových ekosystémů. Získané poznatky využit pro předvídání ekologických katastrof, navrhování účinných postupů revitalizace krajiny, začlenění území do sítě Natura 2000 a programu ITEX a v neposlední řadě pro rozhodování v činnosti státní správy. Výsledky projektu bude možné v některých parametrech srovnávat s projektem DART (Dynamic response of the forest - tundra, ecotone to environmental change) řešeným ve Skandinávii. Úkoly řešené v roce 2001 v rámci subprojektu 4: Palynologický výzkum rašelinišť a periglaciálních útvarů v alpinském stupni Krkonoš s cílem zjistit stáří a genezi rašelinišť v holocénu globálně a lokálně a doložit původ periglaciálních útvarů, zjistit kolísání horní hranice lesa v průběhu holocénu, detailně rozčlenit vliv člověka na vývoj rostlinných společevstev; Stanovit původ a rozšíření horské tundry v Krkonoších ve vztahu k vývoji horské tundry ve Skandinávii a Skotsku; Získání podkladů k ochraně periglaciálních jevů (včetně rašeliništních útvarů) v tundrové oblasti Krkonoš; Pylový monitoring, sledování současných pylových spadů na exponovaných stanovištích v oblasti Krkonoš.

Komplexní analýza dlouhodobých změn krkonošské tundry: Paleoekologická geneze vegetačních a klimatických změn v průběhu holocénu v tundrové oblasti KRNAP
Botanický ústav AV ČR, Průhonice ; Správa KRNAP, Vrchlabí ; Svobodová, Helena ; Vaněk, Jan
Cíl projektu: Popsání vodního režimu půd včetně znečištění těžkými kovy a distribuce radonu, dynamika tundrových ekosystémů v závislosti na změnách prostředí, sledování vývoje vegetačních a klimatických změn v krkonošské tundře v holocénu, rozbor příčin ohrožení populací vybraných krkonošských rostlinných druhů a sledování klíčivosti dominant travních dominant tundrových ekosystémů. Získané poznatky využit pro předvídání ekologických katastrof, navrhování účinných postupů revitalizace krajiny, začlenění území do sítě Natura 2000 a programu ITEX a v neposlední řadě pro rozhodování v činnosti státní správy. Výsledky projektu bude možné v některých parametrech srovnávat s projektem DART (Dynamic response of the forest - tundra, ecotone to environmental change) řešeným ve Skandinávii. Úkoly řešené v roce 2002 v rámci subprojektu 4: Palynologický výzkum rašelinišť a periglaciálních útvarů v alpinském stupni Krkonoš s cílem zjistit stáří a genezi rašelinišť v holocénu globálně a lokálně a doložit původ periglaciálních útvarů, zjistit kolísání horní hranice lesa v průběhu holocénu, detailně rozčlenit vliv člověka na vývoj rostlinných společevstev; Stanovit původ a rozšíření horské tundry v Krkonoších ve vztahu k vývoji horské tundry ve Skandinávii a Skotsku; Získání podkladů k ochraně periglaciálních jevů (včetně rašeliništních útvarů) v tundrové oblasti Krkonoš; Pylový monitoring, sledování současných pylových spadů na exponovaných stanovištích v oblasti Krkonoš.

Informace o geneticky modifikovaných organismech
Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze, Praha ; Pazlarová, Jarmila ; Demnerová, Kateřina ; Kučera, Ladislav ; Ovesná, Jaroslava ; Káš, Jan
Publikace je záznamem přednášek ze dvou školeních pro inspektory České inspekce životního prostředí, které proběhly na VŠCHT v Praze v roce 2003. Jsou uvedeny přenášky, které přinášejí základní informace o problematice geneticky modifikovaných organismů, včetně metod jejich detekce a stanovení.