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Accounting and Tax Aspects of Emploee Benefits
Šašinková, Barbora ; Kahounová, Jana (referee) ; Křížová, Zuzana (advisor)
The bachelor thesis focused on the topic of employee benefits and specified their accounting and tax aspects. The theoretical part is focused on the description of the human resources, employee benefits and finally accounting and tax aspects of employee benefits. The thesis analyzes the current system of benefits provided to employees in a particular company and contains a proposal for their improvement.
Actual methodology of education in subject Health Education at pri-mary schools in Benešov
The bachalor thesis is dealt by the current methods of teaching health education at primary schools in Benešov. The theoretical is focused on teaching methods, their classification and modern didactic approaches including practical examples. The practical part was based on a semi-structured interviews with four teachers of health education. The objective of the thesis is to map used methods and forms of work in the given subject and confirm or confute both research assumptions. The research assumption number 1 is based on the most famous method clasification according to Maňák, Švec and assumes that all interviewed teachers will prefer classic methods and activating methods more often than complex methods for the subject of health education. The research assumption number 2 assumes that for the subject of health education won´t be more used the textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education by the teachers than the materials of own making and other professional sources. Both research assumptions have been confirmed.
Accounting and Tax Aspects of Emploee Benefits
Šašinková, Barbora ; Kahounová, Jana (referee) ; Křížová, Zuzana (advisor)
The bachelor thesis focused on the topic of employee benefits and specified their accounting and tax aspects. The theoretical part is focused on the description of the human resources, employee benefits and finally accounting and tax aspects of employee benefits. The thesis analyzes the current system of benefits provided to employees in a particular company and contains a proposal for their improvement.
Actual methodology of education in subject Health Education at pri-mary schools in Benešov
In my Thesis I have followed up current educational methods regarding the subject of Health Education at Elementary Schools in Benešov. The main aim of this Thesis is a mapping of the applied systems and conditions of work within the specific subject. In the theoretical part I have been describing the specification of the subject of Health Education in global aspects connected to content of the subject which must be in accordance with RVP. In the practical part I tried to implement the theory into practical activities during each lesson, to show new trends, working methods and forms and most of all the teaching creativity. I received all data through questionnaire research from both the students and teachers. The results proved my hypothesis that appropriate and diverse choice of teaching methods can have very positive impact on the influence of the subject towards the students. Based on the received data I have come to the conclusion that the subject of Health Education is inevitable and it is accepted and understood positively with more or less rather interesting topics. The newly applied methods are diverse, innovative and have larger variety of their utilization. I am concerned that the result of this Thesis may help the teachers to use more creative approach to teaching techniques of Health Education, organizing school activities, and helping with planning of prevention programmers. Information can be applied for all teachers from various spheres or primary teachers.
Elimination of alcohol in blood of patients treated with coumarin drugs
Kahounová, Jana ; Vopršalová, Marie (advisor) ; Trejtnar, František (referee)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Student: Jana Kahounová Supervizor: Doc. PharmDr. Marie Vopršálová, Ph.D. Ing. Jaroslav Procházka Title of diploma thesis: ELIMINATION OF ALKOHOL IN BLOOD OF PATIENTS TREATED WITH COUMARIN DRUGS Coumarin preparations are the most commonly used oral anticoagulants. The main representative is Warfarin. The most important function of warfarin is to reduce the formation of K-dependent coagulation factors in the liver. Alcohol is the oldest and most widely used addictive substance. Alcohol is the oldest and most commonly used substance. Society is tolerated and regular use of small doses of alcohol is considered "beneficial to health". The aim of my thesis was to find out how the concomitant use of coumarin drugs and alcohol interacts. There were tested 62 people (33 men and 29 women), of whom 27 people (14 men and 13 women) were treated with coumarin drugs, 35 people (19 men and 16 women) formed the control group of individuals without treatment with coumarin drugs. All people were given a standard dose of alcohol. The blood alcohol level (COBAS INTEGRA 400 plus) and INR (SYSMEX CA 1500) were measured in the time-0 (before administration), 1½ and 3 hours (after administration). The data obtained was...
Czech pension reform through the lens of behavioral economics
Kahounová, Jana ; Bauer, Michal (advisor) ; Cingl, Lubomír (referee)
Bibliographic citation Kahounová, Jana (2012). Czech Pension Reform through the Lens of Behavioral Economics. Prague, 2012. 79 p. Master Thesis (Mgr.) Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Economic Studies. Master thesis supervisor PhDr. Michal Bauer, PhD. Abstract The field of behavioral economics can provide original insights into many areas of economic decision-making. In my thesis I use the point of view of behavioral economics to assess the current Czech pension reform plan. I study time discounting as the main determinant of saving behavior and deal with its relationship to the Czech pension reform architecture. The three fundamental features of the Czech pension reform plan that are examined are entry into the private funded scheme that is to be introduced by the Czech pension reform plan, the contribution rate into the private funded scheme and access to deposits in the private funded scheme. In order to obtain data for my research I conducted own survey. The results of statistical analysis confirmed the hypotheses of behavioral economics that people exhibit heterogeneous time discounting which influences their saving behavior and these characteristics can also determine their preference for the pension reform features. It implies a possibility for policy-makers to...
Financing of short-term needs of the enterprise
The aim is to explain the term to describe financing and capital structure of the company. Classify instruments and methods of financing, their advantages and disadvantages. Funding to further evaluate of the financial indicators. All apply to the selected company and now used to evaluate funding tools.

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