National Repository of Grey Literature 17 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Technological solution for the education complex in Brno
Blažek, David ; Mohapl,, Martin (referee) ; Lízal, Petr (advisor)
This master’s thesis deals with construction of the gross building of new building of learning complex FEKT VUT in Brno. It contains the design of earthworks, underground setting piles, monolithic structures and isolation of the building for further construction. Construction and technological project includes technical report, time and financial plan of construction, study of the implementation of major technological stages of site preparation, budget of facilities, technological regulation to solved stages, inspection and test plan of monolithic structures, health and safety plan and energy label of objects.
Technical preparation for the production of label carriers and RFID inlays
Blažek, David ; Sliwková, Petra (referee) ; Polzer, Aleš (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the development and production of end effectors for the transmission of labels and RFID inlays using robots. The first part of it describes the RFID technology, robots and their end effectors, then compares the materials for the design of the end effector and its subsequent production. Then follows the preparation of a practical implementation, where the analyses examining the channels inside the effector are described. Furthermore, this work describes the testing of suction cups, production control by graphical simulation, production of individual prototypes of end effectors and their testing.
Technical preparation of a handgun component production
Blažek, David ; Sliwková, Petra (referee) ; Polzer, Aleš (advisor)
The main goal of this diploma thesis is to propose ways of producing a firing pin. Reverse engineering is applied to the specified component. In the first part of the thesis, the function of the firing pin, clamping of eccentric components on the lathe, types of production according to serial number and selected machines are described. The second part goes through the measurement that is implemented in the practical part. After measuring and evaluating the results, several fuze production technologies were proposed. An ISO code was created for them, which was then simulated. The times and other aspects of the given technologies were subsequently compared and evaluated. For the required series of 10,000 pcs, it is suitable to use turning technology with machined jaws or technology using pressing and compound tools.
Comparison of two Czech translations of the Slovenian novel Alamut; translation ageing
Panýrková, Alena ; Blažek, David (advisor) ; Nedvědová, Milada (referee)
Ve své diplomové práci Srovnání dvou překladů slovinského románu Alamut do češtiny; Zastarávání překladu jsem se snažila představit problematiku zastarávání překladu, poukázat na rozdíly mezi překlady, které vznikly v rozmezí padesáti let, a uvést příklady překladatelských řešení. Práci jsem rozdělila na část teoretickou a část praktickou. V teoretické části hovořím podrobně o autorovi a jeho díle, uvádím zásady translatologické analýzy a cituji významné české a slovenské teoretiky překladu, kteří se vyjadřovali k otázce zastarávání překladu. V části praktické jsem provedla analýzu původního díla a obou překladů. Měla jsem v úmyslu také ukázat rozdíly v interpretaci originálu a dokázat je na obou překladech. Výzkum však prokázal, že je druhý překlad pouhou redakcí překladu prvního, nikoli překlad nezávislý, a proto jsem neměla možnost srovnání překladatelské interpretace. Ve své práci jsem zmínila základní body teorie překladu. Doufám, že tato práce poslouží studentům slovenistiky, kteří se budou připravovat na svou budoucí kariéru překladatelů.
The Position of Green Party in the Partial System of Czech Republic with the Use of Cleavages Theory
Blažek, David ; Just, Petr (advisor) ; Kotábová, Věra (referee)
First chapters of the final thesis "are paid to brief introduction of the cleavages theory and the possibility of its use in partial system of Czech Republic. Following chapters analyze the origination and development of Green Parties in Western Europe, while greater attention is paid to history of Green Party in Czech Republic, its ideological and political alignment. The content analysis attempts to prove the cleavages theory of Czech Green Party after 2005 and compare it with cleavages of western European Green Parties. Powered by TCPDF (
Technical preparation for the production of label carriers and RFID inlays
Blažek, David ; Sliwková, Petra (referee) ; Polzer, Aleš (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the development and production of end effectors for the transmission of labels and RFID inlays using robots. The first part of it describes the RFID technology, robots and their end effectors, then compares the materials for the design of the end effector and its subsequent production. Then follows the preparation of a practical implementation, where the analyses examining the channels inside the effector are described. Furthermore, this work describes the testing of suction cups, production control by graphical simulation, production of individual prototypes of end effectors and their testing.
The emancipation of the Slovenian language in the 20th century
Blažek, David ; Honzak-Jahić, Jasna (advisor)
Uvodпi motto пеЬуlо zvoleпo пahodou. Je v пеm totiz s urcitou пadsazkou (podmiпeпou reklamпim ucelem textu) obsazeпo пekolik zasadпich skutecпosti ve vztahu ke sloviпskemu jazyku. Z motta mimo jiпe vyplyYa, ze Sloviпci jsou (роdоЬпе jako dalsi пагоdу, ktere musely v miпulosti vyпakladat zV}Iseпe usili za zachovaпi svebytпosti) па svem jazyce zivotпe i citove zavisli а pokladaji jej za svou ustredпi kulturпi а socicilпi hodпotu ci prostredek пarodпiho sebeurceпi. z motta je mozпe dale vyvodit, ze sloviпstiпa ke svemu soucasпemu rejstriku fuпkci (vcetпe vyuziti v pocitacoV}Ich programech) пedospela sпadпou cestou. Hledaпi priciп techto skutecпosti se stalo zarodkem dizertacпi prace. Mym puvodпim zamerem bylo zmapovaпi emaпcipace sloviпstiпy od jejich pocatku az do soucasпosti, avsak пarustajici rozsah prace i doporuceпi koпzultaпtu me pi'imely od tohoto zameru upustit. Bylo пutпе zamerit se па kratsi casoV}I usek, zaroven vsak zvolit оЬdоЫ dostatecпe reprezeпtativпi рго popis dyпamiky vyYoje jazyka а jeho emaпcipace. Vzhledem k tomu, ze jsem se chtel v prakticke casti ргасе zamerit па пektere aspekty soucasпeho sloviпskeho jazyka, rozhodl jsem se sve tema vymezit 20. stoletim. Takto оhгапiсепу casoyY usek dava mozпost zamerit se jedпak па jevy, jimz jazykoveda пeveпovala tolik pozorпosti jako procesum...
Slavic lexicography at the beginning of the 21st century. Proceedings of the international conference. Prague 20. – 22. 4. 2016
Niševa, Božana ; Blažek, David ; Krejčířová, Iveta ; Skwarska, Karolína ; Šlaufová, Eva ; Vašíček, Michal
Proceedings of the international conference which took place on April 20 – 22, 2016 at the Czech Academy of Sciences Headquarters, Národní 3, Praha 1 as a part of the international cooperation between the Institute of Slavonic Studies CAS and the Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin Institute for Bulgarian Language BAS (2013–2016). In the book theoretical and practical knowledge of Slavic lexicography at the beginning of the new century is presented within the broad Slavic context.
Slovenian IT Terminology and its Reflection in the Slovenian-Czech Dictionary
Blažek, David
As has been stated and demonstrated with the examples in the paper, the IT terminology contained in the Dictionary represents the majority of common word-formation procedures. Depending on the frequency of occurrence, the resources for Dictionary spelling variants and terminological doublets, consisting of usually a pair of inherited expressions and new-built expressions, are also included in the Dictionary. The paper demonstrates that the terminology of computer technology is also being built by extending the meaning of existing expressions, the source being the general vocabulary or the terminology of other disciplines.
The emancipation of the Slovenian language in the 20th century
Blažek, David ; Honzak-Jahić, Jasna (advisor)
Uvodпi motto пеЬуlо zvoleпo пahodou. Je v пеm totiz s urcitou пadsazkou (podmiпeпou reklamпim ucelem textu) obsazeпo пekolik zasadпich skutecпosti ve vztahu ke sloviпskemu jazyku. Z motta mimo jiпe vyplyYa, ze Sloviпci jsou (роdоЬпе jako dalsi пагоdу, ktere musely v miпulosti vyпakladat zV}Iseпe usili za zachovaпi svebytпosti) па svem jazyce zivotпe i citove zavisli а pokladaji jej za svou ustredпi kulturпi а socicilпi hodпotu ci prostredek пarodпiho sebeurceпi. z motta je mozпe dale vyvodit, ze sloviпstiпa ke svemu soucasпemu rejstriku fuпkci (vcetпe vyuziti v pocitacoV}Ich programech) пedospela sпadпou cestou. Hledaпi priciп techto skutecпosti se stalo zarodkem dizertacпi prace. Mym puvodпim zamerem bylo zmapovaпi emaпcipace sloviпstiпy od jejich pocatku az do soucasпosti, avsak пarustajici rozsah prace i doporuceпi koпzultaпtu me pi'imely od tohoto zameru upustit. Bylo пutпе zamerit se па kratsi casoV}I usek, zaroven vsak zvolit оЬdоЫ dostatecпe reprezeпtativпi рго popis dyпamiky vyYoje jazyka а jeho emaпcipace. Vzhledem k tomu, ze jsem se chtel v prakticke casti ргасе zamerit па пektere aspekty soucasпeho sloviпskeho jazyka, rozhodl jsem se sve tema vymezit 20. stoletim. Takto оhгапiсепу casoyY usek dava mozпost zamerit se jedпak па jevy, jimz jazykoveda пeveпovala tolik pozorпosti jako procesum...

National Repository of Grey Literature : 17 records found   1 - 10next  jump to record:
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15 BLAŽEK, David
5 Blažek, Daniel
9 Blažek, Dušan
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