National Repository of Grey Literature 125 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Šrámek (Krška): "Stříbrný vítr" on a Silver Screen
Semler, David ; Mravcová, Marie (advisor) ; Wiendl, Jan (referee)
in English In my bachelor thesis I compare the novel Stříbrný vítr1 by Czech author Fráňa Šrámek with the movie adaptation made by Czech filmmaker Václav Krška. The most important aspects of Šrámek's novel are: disrupted composition, poetic language and the subject perspective of the main character Jan Ratkin. The composition is formed by the crucial points of the life of Ratkin during his growing up. Šrámek's poetic language is full of metaphors, metonymies and personifications. The most important stylistic feature of the text is its subjectivisation which is used to express the shifts of the mood of the main character. The main topic of the novel is the youth and how it is changed on its way to adulthood. The name of the novel "Stříbrný vítr" is a metaphor for the longing of the main character, who longs to revolt, to love and to know the world. The filmmaker Václav Krška altered both the story and the whole message of Šrámek's piece of art. Krška changed the time frame from thirteen years to one year, therefore the main story is no longer about Ratkin's growing up, but it depicts one year of his almost adult life. Another change was to focus on the love motive while neglecting other motives e.g. Ratkin's revolts and his effort to evolve both sexually and spiritually. The main story is therefore...
The Employ of the Gothic Novel in Czech Prose of the First Half of the 20th Century: analogies and variations of the genre.
Petrová, Zuzana ; Činátlová, Blanka (advisor) ; Mravcová, Marie (referee)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to define the genre of the English gothic novel, a historically-conditioned phenomenon, which is revived whenever a specific cultural and social situation occurs. The presence of the genre in the Czech prose of the first half of the twentieth century is traced and discovered in the works of Vítězslav Nezval and Jiří Karásek ze Lvovic. Along with the inspiration drawn from the gothic novel goes the literary background particular for each author - surrealism (Nezval) and decadence (Karásek). Despite the gothic novel balancing on the edge of the trivial, its position in the literary tradition has been stable for several hundreds of years. It has affected many other genres which have carried on its tradition until today.
The image of city in the Czech and international novels
Habrová, Martina ; Mravcová, Marie (advisor) ; Holý, Jiří (referee)
The aim of this work was to draft, by interpretation of selected prosaic works, the problems of changes of the artistic presentation of the town space in the Czech and the world literature from the end of the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth centuries. The analysis confirmed presumption that it is by no means possible to rank certain work only into one group whose unification framework is poetic of certain artistic direction or literary technique and even at necessary reduction to dominant features used for description of the space any variant of town presentation is original combination of features of individual poetic and methods.
Two realities in the works of Jan Weiss
Magulová, Naďa ; Vaněk, Václav (advisor) ; Mravcová, Marie (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to capture the representation of two realities in the works of Jan Weiss. Weiss' conception of reality oscillates between interrelated fantasy and reality approach and is based on his personal, unusually intensive experience with dream (He experienced dream visions during his typhus fevers in a prisoner camp in Siberia). The first part of this thesis focuses on Weiss' works from 1920s and 1930s. The original theme of dream and dual reality is expressed by the key motive of the mirror and the motive of the double; taking this as his starting point, the author further develops the question of other polarities (evil and good, consciousness and subconsciousness, dreams and reality, the ordinary and the extraordinary) and their relations. Inspired by sickly dreams and the author's WWI experience, the fantastic world of Weiss' writings shows signs of extreme abnormality, mainly time-spatial discontinuity; his early works can be related to expressionism. Dream often verges on hallucinations and madness. Another theme appearing in Weiss' works is that of darkness and blindness, which stands not only for the mysterious territory between the waking hours and sleep, but also for Weiss' moral doubts. The second part of this thesis focuses on genre schemes and types that can be found in Weiss'...
Kámen a bolest. How the Novel's World Was Made?
Stříbrná, Anežka ; Holý, Jiří (advisor) ; Mravcová, Marie (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with Karel Schulz's novel Kámen a Bolest. In particular, it analyses its language, stylistic devices and scene composition. It also focuses on portrayal of characters and their life in Schulz's textual world. The conclusion suggests an overall interpretation of the signification of this novel, thus offerings a deeper insight into the work. It elucidates its peculiar emotional appeal and narrative strategy with which the author has created his fictional world. The methodology of this thesis is based on Přemysl Blažíček's literary-scientific and interpretative approach.
Fantastic Prague as a myth in the novels of F. M. Crawford, P. Leppin and G. Meyrink
Švecová, Alena ; Holý, Jiří (advisor) ; Mravcová, Marie (referee)
Tématem této diplomové práce je zpodobení fantastické Prahy v románech F. M. Crawforda, P. Leppina a G. Meyrinka. Práce reflektuje, jak se s tímto fenoménem jednotliví autoři vypořádali: jaké dílčí motivy a toposy z pražského mýtu akcentovali a nakolik jej přejímali, popř. byli sami tvůrci tohoto mýtu.
The Image of Subcarpathian Rus in the Work of Ivan Olbracht (From Reportage to Novel and Novella)
Beníšková, Dagmar ; Mravcová, Marie (advisor) ; Vaněk, Václav (referee)
Abstract The thesis deals with the relation of Ivan Olbracht and Subcarpathian Rus. Giving a brief summary of examined territory's history, the authoress attends to Olbracht's Subcarpathian stay and its influence on his work. Olbracht was challenged by the social and political conditions of fossil region to write a set of reportages released in newspaper and afterwards in a double book edition (Země bez jména, Hory a staletí). In the reportages he prepaired a factual and epical field for his prosaic pieces - Nikola Šuhaj loupežník and Golet v údolí (for completeness' sake it's essential to mention Marijka nevěrnice). Authoress devotes herself to a thematic analysis of reportages observing the way Olbracht depicted no longer existing culture and community. She applies this thematic outline on the outlaw novel and the triptych of short stories. It is hereby documented Olbracht's methodics consisting in a stratified narration based on two main layers: factual (empirical) and legendary (poetic).
The Soviet Union perceived by the Czech left and the pre-war writings of J. Weil
Ševčíková, Jana ; Holý, Jiří (advisor) ; Mravcová, Marie (referee)
Z dnešního pohledu patří Jiří Weil mezi přední prozaiky české předválečné, zejména však poválečné literatury. Ne vždy tomu ale tak bylo. Místo v dějinách literatury bylo tomuto výraznému spisovateli se vzácnou vypravěčskou schopností, kterou mu připsal ve své recenzi na knihu Moskva-hranice už v roce 1937 Pavel Eisner, přiznáno až po dlouhé a trnité cestě životní i spisovatelské. Vše začalo vydáním románu Moskva-hranice v roce 1937, který komunistická literární kritika tvrdě odsoudila jako klepařské, pomlouvačné dílo téměř bez jakékoliv umělecké ceny. Za tímto ostrým odsouzením knihy stála vlastně výjimečnost a jedinečnost zobrazení poměrů v Sovětském svazu, jež měl autor možnost velmi dobře poznat. Naprosté novum bylo to, že pohled na překotně se vyvíjej ící zemi nebyl jako doposud v českém prostředí (zejména v komunistickém tisku) převážně prvoplánově obdivný a oslavný. Weil se ke koncepci svého románu vyj ádřil v článku Jen několik slov, kde píše: Napsal bych velmi špatný román, kdybych líčil jen světlé stránky. Podobal by se oněm románům na obj ednávku, které j sou odsuzovány právem celou sovětskou kritikou. (Weil 1937b: 309) Navíc pohled dostal netradiční uměleckou podobu. Ve své komplexnosti usiloval v mnoha detailech a bystrých postřezích ukázat vše, nejenom poměrně rychlý pokrok v průmyslu, vzdělání...
Forms of the grotesque in short prosaic genre in the Czech literature of 1920's
Pašková, Štěpánka ; Holý, Jiří (advisor) ; Mravcová, Marie (referee)
The work focuses on various kinds of the grotesque in short prosaic forms in the Czech literature of 1920's. In the first and second chapter the work provides theoretical and methodological background. Fundamental theoretical questions of the grotesque are opened and two principal approaches to the question (W. Kayser's and M. M. Bachtin's) are interpreted. In the following chapter grotesque literary works of five authors are analysed. The author of the study primarily aims for recognizing various forms of the grotesque in the given period and for revealing universal mechanisms of the grotesque in this way. The knowledge acquired is put in a literary-historical and social context. Two principal kinds of the grotesque are defined in the last chapter - the grotesque as a state of mind and the grotesque used as an artistic device of satire. These types are related to current tendencies of Poetism and Expressionism.

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