Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 13 záznamů.  1 - 10další  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.03 vteřin. 
Podnikatelský plán – ubytovací zařízení na rodinném statku
Kubíčková, Lucie ; Přidal,, Hynek (oponent) ; Heralecký, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
Diplomová práce se zabývá podnikatelským plánem ubytovacího zařízení na rodinném statku. Náplní práce je na základě provedených analýz, návrhu marketingového, finančního plánu a zhodnocení rizik navrhnout malý podnik, který bude realizovatelný v podnikatelské praxi.
Implementation of wall functions into a hybrid fictitious domain-immersed boundary method
Kubíčková, Lucie ; Isoz, Martin
Hybrid fictitious domain-immersed boundary method (HFDIB) is a simulation approach used in computational fluid dynamics. The approach avoids usage of complex geometry-conforming computational domains. Instead, a simple domain is used and the geometry is projected onto it by a scalar field and adjustment of governing equations. Hence, the time spent on mesh generation is substantially reduced. It is advantageous to use the HFDIB in geometry optimizations where it allows for a massive optimization speed-up. Nevertheless, there is a problem with simulation of the fluid behavior in the boundary layer in the vicinity of the immersed walls. Especially, in simulation of highly turbulent flows, where the boundary layer is very thin and the usage of finer mesh is unaffordable. In this work, we aim to solve this problem by implementation of Reynolds averaged turbulence models in our custom HFDIB variant. In particular, we implemented the k-ω turbulence model and blended wall functions for closure variables and velocity.
On Reynolds-averaged turbulence modeling with immersed boundary method
Kubíčková, Lucie ; Isoz, Martin
The immersed boundary (IB) method is an approach in the computational fluid dynamics in which complex geometry conforming meshes are replaced by simple ones and the true simulated geometry is projected onto the simple mesh by a scalar field and adjustment of governing equations. Such an approach is particularly advantageous in topology optimizations (TO) where it allows for substantial speed-up since a single mesh can be used for all the tested topologies. In our previous work, we linked our custom IB variant, the hybrid fictitious domain-immersed boundary method (HFDIB), with a TO framework and successfully carried out an optimization under laminar flow conditions. However, to allow for optimizations of reallife components, the IB approach needs to be coupled with an affordable turbulence modeling. In this contribution, we focus on extending the HFDIB approach by the possibility to perform Reynolds-averaged simulations (RAS). In particular, we implemented the k − ω turbulence model and wall functions for closure variables and velocity.
Calibrated finite volume method-based simulation framework for laser shock peening
Isoz, Martin ; Gruber, Pavel ; Schmidt, Jaroslav ; Kubíčková, Lucie ; Štefan, Jan ; Kaufman, Jan ; Brajer, Jan ; Gabriel, Dušan
Modern and highly competitive industry seeks components with high strength and fatigue resistance. Both of these properties may be improved by peening of the component surface and the standard peening processes, such as the shot peening, are widely used in both automotive and aerospace industries. The laser shock\npeening (LSP), i.e. hardening of the material surface by a laser-induced shock wave, is a modern alternative to the standard peening. Concurrently, the industrial applications of LSP are promoted by recently emerged affordable high power-density lasers. However, the nascent LSP applications are still mostly a trial-and-error\nprocesses based on an extensive experimental testing. Consequently, we focused on a highly application-driven development of a framework for LSP modeling, and the internal workings and results of which are the focus of the present contribution.
Simulating particle-laden flows: from immersed boundaries towards model order reduction
Isoz, Martin ; Kubíčková, Lucie ; Kotouč Šourek, M. ; Studeník, Ondřej ; Kovárnová, A.
Particle-laden flow is prevalent both in nature and in industry. Its appearance ranges from the trans-port of riverbed sediments towards the magma flow, from the deposition of catalytic material inside particulate matter filters in automotive exhaust gas aftertreatment towards the slurry transport in dredging operations. In this contribution, we focus on the particle-resolved direct numerical simulation (PR-DNS) of the particle-laden flow. Such a simulation combines the standard Eulerian approach to computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with inclusion of particles via a variant of the immersed boundary method (IBM) and tracking of the particles movement using a discrete element method (DEM). Provided the used DEM allows for collisions of arbitrarily shaped particles, PR-DNS is based (almost) entirely on first principles, and as such it is a truly high-fidelity model. The downside of PR-DNS is its immense computational cost. In this work, we focus on three possibilities of alleviating the computational cost of PR-DNS: (i) replacing PR-DNS by PR-LES or PR-RANS, while the latter requires combining IBM with wall functions, (ii) improving efficiency of DEM contact solution via adaptively refined virtual mesh, and (iii) developing a method of model order reduction specifically tailored to PR-DNS of particle-laden flows.
Hybrid fictitious domain-immersed boundary method in CFD-based topology optimization
Kubíčková, Lucie ; Isoz, Martin
Advances in technological development, especially in 3D printing, allow engineers to design components with almost arbitrary shape and connectivity. Consequently, more and more attention is being directed towards a highly-specialized application-driven component design based on topology optimization (TO). In the present work, we propose a methodology enabling TO of components in contact with flowing fluids. In particular, the optimization itself is based on multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) with the component geometry encoded using a binary representation. The optimization criteria are evaluated via computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The main novelty of the proposed TO framework lies in its robustness and effectiveness achieved by utilizing a single computational mesh for all the tested designs and projecting the specific components shapes onto it by the means of an immersed boundary method. The new methodology capabilities are illustrated on a shape optimization of a diffuser equipped as a part of an ejector. The optimization goal was to increase the ejector energy efficiency. The newly proposed methodology was able to identify a design by roughly 9 % more efficient than an alternative one found utilizing a previously published and less general optimization approach.
Increasing Ejector Efficiency via Diffuser Shape Optimization
Kubíčková, Lucie ; Isoz, Martin ; Haidl, Jan
An ejector is a technologically simple and yet wide-application fluid machine. While it has favorable characteristics for a signifficant number of technological processes, its main downside is probably its high operational energy demands. The present paper is an initial result of an ongoing research aimed at improving energy e ciency of the ejector via optimization of its geometry. In the paper, we focus mostly on presenting a general multi-objective optimization framework usable for an ejector shape optimization. The approach applicability is illustrated on a simpli ed problem comprising only a single phase flow in an ejector mixing tube and diffuser. Nevertheless, the achieved simulation and optimization results are validated against experimental data. The proposed optimization method itself is based on multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) combined with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for evaluation of the vector-valued objective function.
Žánrové očekávání od reklamní fotografie v časopisech od roku 1970 do současnosti
Kubíčková, Lucie ; Fišerová, Michaela (vedoucí práce) ; Řehořová, Irena (oponent)
1 Abstrakt Diplomová práce se zabývá žánrovým očekáváním od reklamní fotografie v časopisech od roku 1970 do současnosti. Záměrem teoretické části diplomové práce je charakterizovat reklamní fotografii a porovnat ji s jinými fotografickými žánry jako novinářskou, dokumentární či uměleckou fotografií, protože každý z těchto žánrů charakterizují jiné módy a každý s sebou tak nese výrazně jiná očekávání. Pozornost je tedy věnována zejména kompozici fotografie v rámci těchto jednotlivých žánrů. V souvislosti se srovnáním reklamní a novinářské fotografie se však zaměřuji taktéž na předpisy, které tyto žánry omezují. Dále je cílem této práce zmapovat hranice žánru reklamní fotografie a s využitím konkrétních příkladů znázornit, jaké jsou při tvorbě reklamních fotografií využívány stereotypy, předsudky a normy a jak to dopadne, když se poruší. Nicméně v teoretické části se zabývám také tím, co znamená pojem ilustrační fotografie a kde se tento pojem používá. Praktická část diplomové práce si klade za cíl díky výzkumné metodě kvalitativní analýzy objasnit, co očekávají čtenářky lifestylových magazínů od reklamní fotografie v těchto časopisech a jak může být jejich očekávání narušeno. Klíčová slova Reklamní fotografie, ilustrační fotografie, mluvící metaobrazy, žánrové očekávání, multimodalita, Oliviero Toscani,...

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 13 záznamů.   1 - 10další  přejít na záznam:
Viz též: podobná jména autorů
1 Kubíčková, Lea
13 Kubíčková, Lenka
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