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Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 32 záznamů.  předchozí3 - 12dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Modifikace růstu polovodičových nanovláken
Pejchal, Tomáš ; Grym, Jan (oponent) ; Kolíbal, Miroslav (vedoucí práce)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá růstem polovodičových nanovláken na substrátu Ge(111). Nanovlákna byla připravena metodou PVD (physical vapor deposition), jejich růst byl katalyzován Au koloidními nanočásticemi. V práci je popsán vliv změny depozičních podmínek na výslednou morfologii nanovláken. Je ukázáno, že preferenčním směrem růstu Ge nanovláken je směr . Byla pozorována i Ge vlákna orientace .
Preparation of nanowires for photonics
Mikula, Martin ; Grym, Jan (oponent) ; Kolíbal, Miroslav (vedoucí práce)
This thesis is dealing with nanowires of zinc oxide and of cesium lead bromide. Main goal was a preparation of ZnO nanowires using MBE. This goal was partially achieved and growth of needle-like structures was observed. Another goal was characterization of already prepared ZnO nanowires. We successfully determined polarity of their surfaces, examined the influence of lattice defects and assessed the result of their doping. Side goal of this work was characterization of nanostructures of cesium lead bromide. However, preparation of cesium lead bromide nanowires remains an open issue.
Effect of EU doping on the optical properties of ZnO nanorods prepared by chemical bath deposition
Yatskiv, Roman ; Bašinová, Nikola ; Grym, Jan ; Vaniš, Jan
We report on the properties of Eu-doped ZnO nanorods prepared by chemical bath deposition from aqueous solutions in an autoclave. The autoclave enables to grow the nanorods above the boiling point of water. The nanorods were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, secondary ion mass spectroscopy, and low temperature photoluminescence spectroscopy. Under the UV light excitation, the nanorods show a strong blue emission at 450 nm, which is associated with the 4f(6)5d - 4f(4) transitions of Eu2+ ions. We discuss the mechanisms responsible for the blue luminescence. We further clarify how the growth parameters affect the morphology and the optical properties of the nanorods. Growth temperatures above the boiling point of water significantly influence the intensity ratio of the near band edge emission to the deep level emission and greatly enhance optical quality of the nanorods.
Charge transport in halide perovskites affected by the surface treatment and metalization.
Šlechta, Miroslav ; Belas, Eduard (vedoucí práce) ; Grym, Jan (oponent)
V této diplomové práci se zabývám transportem náboje v halogenidových perovskitech. To je provedeno pomocí charakterizační metody, kterou je zde voltampérová charakteristika. Tou je studován vliv proudu a napětí na připravený vzorek, také při různých teplotách. Byla zjištěna značná citlivost materiálu na historii měření. Odvozená vyhodnocení, této měřící techniky, dále poskytují možnosti detekce hysterezního chování a také vyhodnocení měření v čase pro zjištění časové stability sběru nosičů. Tímto byl také prokázán jev elektromigrace defektů. Z časových měření byly dále spočteny transportní parametry, které poukazují na jejich nemonotónní vývoj v rostoucích teplotách. Byly navrženy teoretický model, vysvětlující takové chování, jako možnost dalšího výzkumu na perovskitech a rozvinutí tohoto tématu.
Návrh malé univerzální brusky pro ostření nástrojů
Grym, Filip ; Huzlík, Rostislav (oponent) ; Pavlík, Jan (vedoucí práce)
Tato práce se zabývá návrhem malé univerzální brusky na broušení nástrojů. Práce začíná úvodem do problematiky technologie broušení nástrojů, vrtání, frézování a soustružení. Dále je provedena rešerše již existujících řešení na trhu a analýza potřeb uživatelů. Na základě těchto poznatků je navrženo několik různých variant přípravků a způsobů broušení, z nichž je vybrána jedna. Na základě vybrané varianty je zpracován 3D model a výkresová dokumentace vybraných uzlů. Funkčnost návrhu je ověřena základními výpočty.
Towards highly-doped Ge and ZnO nanowires: Growth, characterization and doping level analysis
Pejchal, Tomáš ; Mikulík,, Petr (oponent) ; Grym,, Jan (oponent) ; Kolíbal, Miroslav (vedoucí práce)
Highly-doped semiconductor nanowires represent a promising class of nanostructures with prospective applications in electronics, optoelectronics or bio-sensing. This thesis is focused on the growth and in-depth characterization of germanium and zinc oxide nanowires, with the aim of acquiring high doping levels. The first part of the thesis deals with the growth of germanium nanowires via the vapour–liquid–solid (VLS) process. Several factors impacting the nanowire growth and morphology are described – the composition of the catalytic particle, the role of surface adsorbates and the incorporation of atoms from the catalyst into the nanowire. The nanowires are grown from gold nanoparticles either in ultra-high vacuum (the MBE-like process) or in the presence of atomic-hydrogen vapour (mimicking the CVD process), resulting in dissimilar nanowire morphology and growth direction. The combined effect of atomic hydrogen adsorption and gold catalyst spreading is revealed – being the key element explaining the difference in nanowire morphology when MBE and CVD growth techniques are utilised. Further, the Ge nanowire growth from group-III-containing catalysts is studied, with the intention of doping the nanowires via the incorporation of atoms from the catalyst droplet. The in-situ prepared alloyed Au–Ga catalyst is found to be applicable for germanium out-of-plane nanowire growth – although the catalyst stability is lower than for pure Au. Despite a high dopant concentration in the catalyst, no gallium incorporation into the nanowire is observed. Hence, this method of nanowire doping is proved unsuitable for the material system selected. The third part of the thesis covers the characterization of ZnO nanowires and the development of a protocol for their diffusional doping with gallium. The impact of nanowire annealing on the concentration of oxygen vacancies (VO) is demonstrated – annealing in H2O2 gas decreases the VO concentration, compared with annealing in high vacuum. Further, Ga incorporation into ZnO nanowires is documented with in-situ SEM when annealed above 350 °C. Moreover, gallium-induced decomposition of ZnO nanowires is observed above 450 °C. The concentration and spatial distribution of Ga within the nanowires is assessed using STEM EDS and a theoretical model for Ga diffusion. The correlation between the VO concentration and the Ga incorporation into ZnO is found. Gallium concentration in the order of 10^21 cm^-3 is reached in the nanowires – demonstrating the suitability of the presented diffusional-doping method for achieving high Ga doping levels needed for prospective bio-sensing applications in the IR region.
Preparation of nanowires for photonics
Mikula, Martin ; Grym, Jan (oponent) ; Kolíbal, Miroslav (vedoucí práce)
This thesis is dealing with nanowires of zinc oxide and of cesium lead bromide. Main goal was a preparation of ZnO nanowires using MBE. This goal was partially achieved and growth of needle-like structures was observed. Another goal was characterization of already prepared ZnO nanowires. We successfully determined polarity of their surfaces, examined the influence of lattice defects and assessed the result of their doping. Side goal of this work was characterization of nanostructures of cesium lead bromide. However, preparation of cesium lead bromide nanowires remains an open issue.
Optoelectrical characterization of well oriented n-type zno nanorod arrays on p-type GaN templates
Yatskiv, Roman ; Grym, Jan ; Schenk, Antonín ; Vaniš, Jan ; Roesel, David ; Chlupová, Šárka
A heterojunction formed between a single n-type ZnO nanorod and p-type GaN template was successfully prepared by low cost chemical bath deposition technique. Periodic circular patterns were fabricated by focused ion beam etching through poly(methyl methacrylate) mask to control the size, position, and periodicity of the ZnO nanorods. A possible growth mechanism is introduced to explain the growth process of the nanorods. Optical and electrical properties of the heterojunctions were investigated by low temperature photoluminescence spectroscopy and by the measurement of current-voltage (I-V) characteristics. The I-V characteristics were measured by directly contacting single ZnO nanorods with the conductive atomic force microscopy tip. The diode-like rectifying behavior was observed with a turn-on voltage of 2.3 V and the reverse breakdown voltage was 5 V
Electrical properties of nanoscale heterojunctions formed between GaN and ZnO nanorods
Tiagulskyi, Stanislav ; Yatskiv, Roman ; Grym, Jan ; Schenk, Antonín ; Roesel, David ; Vaniš, Jan ; Hamplová, Marie
Vertical periodic arrays of ZnO nanorods are prepared by hydrothermal growth on GaN templates patterned by focused ion beam. Electro-physical properties of a single vertically-oriented ZnO nanorod are investigated by measuring the current-voltage characteristics using a nanoprobe in a scanning electron microscope. This technique enables to observe the surface morphology of ZnO nanorods simultaneously with their electrical characterization in vacuum. The vacuum chamber rejects the impact of gas adsorption and light irradiation, which both affect the properties of ZnO nanorods. Moreover, mechanical damage and strain induced during the nanorod transfer are eliminated. Nonlinear current-voltage characteristics under the forward bias are explained by the tunneling-recombination process and by the space charge limited current. The high reverse bias current in the p-n heterojunction is attributed to direct tunneling via a narrow tunnel barrier
Effect of heat treatment on the properties of sol-gel deposited ZnO seed layers
Bašinová, Nikola ; Černohorský, Ondřej ; Grym, Jan ; Maixner, J.
Zinc oxide nanorods as a potential material for nanoscale devices are prepared by chemical bath deposition (CBD). The effect of the quality of the sol-gel deposited seed layer on the vertical alignment of the nanorods to a silicon substrate is discussed. Emphasis is put on the investigation of the impact of the heat treatment on the properties of the seed layer deposited by dip-coating. The sol-gel method is a multi-stage process consisting of three principal steps: (i) preparation of a solution with suitable precursors, (ii) deposition of the precursor solution, and (iii) the heat treatment. The preheating needs to be performed to thermally decompose the zinc acetate precursor into zinc oxide seeds. Three different temperatures of preheating are compared (300 degrees C, 350 degrees C, 400 degrees C) followed by annealing in argon at 800 degrees C and the influence on the quality of the seed layers and vertical alignment of nanorods are discussed. When the preheating temperature is higher than 350 degrees C, the seed layer comprises smaller and denser crystallites with a preferential orientation along the c-axis. CBD growth of ZnO nanorods on these seed layers results in their good vertical alignment

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 32 záznamů.   předchozí3 - 12dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam:
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