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HONG KONGERS ADDING OIL - A Critical Analysis of the SAR's Pro-Democracy Movements
Breier, Marlene ; Střítecký, Vít (vedoucí práce) ; Karásek, Tomáš (oponent)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Institute of Political Studies MASTER'S THESIS 2016 Marlene Breier CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Institute of Political Studies MASTER'S THESIS HONG KONGERS ADDING OIL A Critical Analysis of the SAR's Pro-Democracy Movements Author Marlene Breier Subject: International Security Studies Academic Year: 2014/15 Supervisor: PhDr. Vít Střítecký, M.Phil., Ph.D. Date Submitted: 29 July 2016 Bibliographic note BREIER, Marlene. Hong Kongers Adding Oil: A Critical Analysis of the SAR's Pro-Democracy Movements. Prague, 2016. 73 p. Master's thesis. Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Political Studies, Department of Security Studies. Supervisor: PhDr. Vít Střítecký, M.Phil., Ph.D. Abstract Since its transition from British colonial rule to Chinese sovereignty in 1997, the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong has undergone extensive developments, resulting in the emergence of a vibrant civil society. With thousands of agitated people, mainly students, taking to the streets, voicing their dissatisfaction with the governments' continued disregard of the demanded direct elections by universal suffrage, 2014 marked a turning point in Hong Kong. Whilst most citizens supported the pro-democracy movements, the...

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